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--Perrie’s POV—

The memory of what happened in the car still played in my head. Apparently I already knew my stalker. I was just so confused because, although I felt like I know him from somewhere, I had no recollection of him.

Zayn. That was his name, I clearly remember the blondie saying it. Luckily for him, it wasn’t such a common name so just after a few hours of research, I was able to find him on internet. Zayn Malik from Bradford, UK, 21.

Now I was even more confused, I’ve never even been in Bradford in my life and I haven’t been in London for long. But seeing pics of Zayn gave me a warm feeling, seeing him smiling made me smile and I wanted to know more about him.

He was an English student and really close to his family. There were thousands of pictures of him with his sisters and cousins and that same feeling of knowing them from somewhere crept into my mind.

“What have you been up to Pez?” I heard Jesy ask. “You’ve been lost in thought ever since you went with those boys to pick their friend, did something happen?”

I simply shook my head. I didn’t know why but I couldn’t tell the girls the events of that night, mainly because I needed answers and I knew they would get overprotective if I told them.

“Have I ever told you about a Zayn?”

“The day we got you drunk, you said the love of your life was called Zayn. It was so funny because it’s not like everyone’s called Zayn so we told you you’ll be single forever”

I decided to call Liam, because he knew where to find those guys. I needed to get Zayn alone, no interruptions or anyone talking for him. Just the two of us alone so he could explain everything to me.

Apparently Zayn’s band had a gig tonight, the one Liam was invited to, so I tagged along with him. This whole issue was bugging me all of the time and I needed to put an end to it.

The place was packed with school girls. I sat alone with Liam in one of the few tables in the back, I didn’t really wanted to be seen, in case he could come up with some excuse or way to avoid me. They were expecting Liam to come, and although I didn’t tell him exactly my intentions, he agreed to distract all the boys so I could get Zayn alone.

The boys went on stage and strangely enough, the lame guy from the comedy club was with them. At least that explained what they were doing there that night. My eyes were fixated on Zayn, stupid boy had to be gorgeous. He looked so confident and sure of himself, unlike all the other times I’d seen him.

Soon enough I found myself cheering for the band, called One Direction. That name was so familiar, and the songs too, but I don’t think I’ve seen them perform before, I’d remember that. Well, apparently I don’t remember a lot of stuff, at least according to Niall.

Zayn, Niall, Louis and Harry; those were their names. They were good but it sounded like they were missing something, that was the reason they were trying to get Liam to sing with them. I looked at Liam and he was enjoying the show, even singing along to the songs.

“It’s so weird because I already know all the words to these songs” he said to me confused.

I nodded in agreement and continued to look at Zayn, he looked so happy. The girls were shouting indecent stuff at him and I couldn’t help but feel offended, almost like I was jealous. The boys introduced the next song, with Zayn explaining this one had a special meaning to him.

They started singing and I paid special attention to them, the lyrics were so beautiful but it really got me when Zayn sang his part.

And being here without you is like I'm waking up to

Only half a blue sky
Kinda there but not quite
I'm walking around with just one shoe
I'm half a heart without you
I'm half a man at best,
With half an arrow in my chest
I miss everything we do,
I'm half a heart without you.

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