Chapter 5

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"If you like her so much, just go talk to her," Rebekah snapped angrily at me. "You'll never get anywhere  with her if you don't go after her."

I glared at her. "That's the problem, Rebekah. She doesn't want to talk to me. She thinks I'm a monster."

 "You are a monster," she said rolling her eyes and walking away. "She's staying at the Salvatore boarding house," Rebekah called back to me as she went upstairs.

The Salvatore's. Wonderful. Well, what could I lose? I grabbed my car keys and headed out the door.


Damon and Stefan went out to go see Alaric, leaving me alone at the boarding house with nothing to do. Again, I found myself thinking about Klaus. I don't know why, he's just all I can ever seem to think about... ugh. The door bell rang, tearing me away from my thoughts. "Who tthe hell could that be," I thought angrily to myself. I was in no mood to see anyone right now.

I opened the door, and gasped. Standing before me was Klaus. Beautiful Klaus. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever, and then somehow, I regained the ability to speak. "What are you doing here?" I demanded, glaring at him.

His eyes held mine as he said, "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you... I guess I just needed to see you again." 

 He's thinking about me too? Sigh... "Well you should stop thinking about me," I said angrily starting to shut the door.

"Come one, come on," he said quickly putting a hand on the door to keep it open. "Just give me  one chance. Come out with me tonight."

"If I come out with you just this once, will you promise to leave me alone?" I asked. He looked a little hurt after I said that, and I immediately started to feel bad. 

"I promise, you'll never ever have to see me again," he said seriously, holding out his arm. I took it, and he led me to his car.

"So where are going?" I asked him curiously. We'd been driving for around fifteen minutes, and I honestly had no idea where we were.

"You'll see," he said, flashing me a beautiful crooked smile.

"Oh, the anticipation's killing me," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. We sat in silence for a little while, and he turned on the radio. What If You by Joshua Radin started playing, and butterflies started to fill my stomach. 

We finally pulled over at the top of a big hill, and he got out of the car to open my door. He offered me his hand. "Are you gonna tell me what we're doing here?" I asked suspiciously. 

"Just trust me," he said softly. I took his hand and he led me through some trees next to the road. We walked in silence for a few moments, and the we reached a clearing in the trees. I gasped at how amazing the view was. The hill was just high enough so we could see the whole town of Mystic Falls; it was absolutely beautiful.

"It's lovely, isn't it?" he said, staring out at Mystic Falls. "I come here quite a lot... you're the first person I've shown this to." We sat down, taking in the view in front of us.

"It's beautiful, Klaus" I said quietly. He reached out his hand and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"You're beautiful," he said, softly. "And I'll understand if you still don't want to see me after this... but thank you for coming out with me tonight."

God, is he beautiful. I know who he is and I know what he's done, but why does all of that suddenly not matter to me? I've only met him twice, yet I'm already in love with him.

"What are you thinking?" he asked, looking at me curiously.

Our eyes locked, and I looked down towards his lips. He cupped my face in his hands, leaned forward and kissed me. He kissed me gently and deeply, like he was afraid that I was going to break or something. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me against him, kissing me deeper and deeper. It felt like there was an electric current running through my body with his touch; there was no place in the world that I would rather be than in his arms.


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