Chapter Two

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An update already?!?! Yes, infact I am updating this. I'm actually quite happy with this so far. So enjoy.



I stood in the airport waiting for Seamus to show up. The plane ride sucked so much for me. I hate how my anxiety acts up, making me exhausted. All I want to do is get to Sea's so that I could take a nap.

"Emmie!" I heard causing me to turn around to find Ash running up to me.

"Hey Ash." I greeted hugging her.

"I'm so happy you're here!" She said excitedly, "We're going to have so much fun!"

"I guarantee we will." I told her smiling.

I really liked Ashley, her and I have always gotten along, which is one of the things Seamus loved about her. We always do things together when she would come along with Seamus to visit.

"Hey Em." Seamus said joining us.

"Hello dearest brother." I teased giving him a hug.

"How was your flight?" Ash asked.

"Ugh, exhausting." I said.

"Well come on then." She said grabbing ahold of my arm, "Lets get you home so you can take a nap."

With that we all headed out of the airport. When we got to their apartment I was instantly met by my brother's adorable cat. I've seen her in pictures and on video but those didn't do her cuteness justice.

"Mr. Meowgi!" I said happily bending over to pick her up, "You're even cuter in person!"

"Please, you're going to give my cat a complex." Sea scoffed.

"But she is." I defended

"She's a little asshole." He said shaking his head.

"Pfft, whatever." I said, "So where am I sleeping?"

"Follow me." Ash said, "We set up the air mattress for you in my stream room."

"Seamus could you bring my bags, my hands are full." I said smirkingat him before turning to follow Ash down the hallway and into a room.

Once there I walked over and sat down on the bed, placing Meowgi on my lap where she curled up. I smiled down and started to stroke her as I felt her start to purr.

"Thanks guys." I said looking up at them.

"No, thank you for finally coming out here." Ash said, "But you take a nap and we'll do something fun when you wake up."

"Alright." I said smiling.

I watched as they left the room before laying down as Meowgi moved to curl up beside me. I smiled and giggled softly as I started to stroke her soft fur allowing sleep to take over.

I awoke later to Meowgi licking my cheek.

"Really Meowgi, your tongue feels like sandpaper." I groaned, "So I'd really appreciate it if you didn't do that."

She just purred and rubbed against me causing me to smile. I then slowly got up. Meowgi following and we both stretched before heading out of the room together. I walked out in the living room finding Sea and Ash there with some random guy causing me to halt in my tracks.

Just then Ash looked over noticing me, "Oh hey Em." She said smiling, "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty well." I said not taking my eyes off the guy.

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