Chapter 9

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Hi Sim!


Why are you such an idiot? IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT! DONKEY! MORON! A....

Bah! You know I can't be angry at you for long....

But anyway. This would be my last. after this, I won't interrupt your life. Promise.

Do you remember the stupid way in which I confessed? God! I just cannot stop laughing, remembering it!

I was so scared, you know, of rejection. What if you don't feel the same way? What if you say no, and not only that, afterwards it affects our friendship? I can't afford to lose such a dear friend!

And yet I dared to confess. Because it was getting out of my control. Whenever you asked, 'Are you stupid or what? What was the need for doing this....' I felt like crying it out, 'Because I LOVE YOU idiot!'. But this fear always kept me holding it back. But then I was able to hide it no longer. Ultimately that one day I gathered all my wits and told you. In that moment I realised nothing else mattered; only that I just had the desperate desire to tell you the truth about my feelings...

But then, you replied. And that was the reply I had no expectation but all the hopes for...such are the complications of love. And what followed was the most amazing time of my life! That ever was, and probably ever will be.

But maybe I was too swayed. In my own joy, perhaps, I totally overlooked something. And such is my fate, I bet, that it was that something that had gone wrong. It was that something which had troubled you such that you decided to end it.

Regret is my time machine. At nights, those moments flash before my eyes where I could have done a bit more; tried to make you bit a little more....perhaps then you would have stayed....perhaps...

But Alas! I failed. My love wasn't enough, eh? Not enough to make you believe in it, and believe in me. It must have seemed like a dangling doorway to a broken home, I guess? Oh no...even that's a bit more concrete. It must have seemed like rubble in a dark abyss...

Whatever. In the end, I failed. That's it.

But maybe all of it was for good. At least, because of you, now I know what failure actually tastes like. *inserts the smile emoji*

I am sorry, Sim, for all the trouble I put you through. You could have at least explained it to me, maybe? Whatever went wrong, maybe we could've sorted it out?

But you aren't a fool. It must have been out of bounds for me to cure, that's why you did it this way, right?

I am sorry for troubling you so.
Thank you so much, for everything.
Take Care.
All the Best!

Raj thought it was enough text for one message and stopped typing. He tried to re-read it but got bored halfway through. He sighed and tapped the green arrow that pointed right. Immediately a well-known notification popped-up on the screen of his mobile phone:

"The user is currently not available."


Hi Raj!

Look at me! Shameless enough to be typing this message!

Gosh! I remember clearly that day when you were stupid enough to confess to me! You couldn't even say one line without fumbling, and then you dared peck me! And like an idiot you ran away, while I stood there, dumbfounded. It took me quite a while to understand what the hell just happened, and then more than that to sort out my own feelings! And then came the time I am going to cherish all my life.

It is killing me you know, to be here without you. Everything looks so grim...

But it scares me more to see you in pain. It's so much easier to end it now than to end it then. Believe me. But it had to end, sooner or later.

I have dreams, you know, which can't be fulfilled by staying at one place. I want to travel, to see and know the world. But you have a different outlook towards life.

And in that moment of separation, I won't be able to see breaking down. Neither would I be able to take care of my own self. I am a coward you see. Hence I am running away from it. Right now, we aren't that much attached to each other. It has hardly been an year since we have known each other! It is just the matter of time before you wouldn't have the urge to look at me even once throughout the day.

I am sorry Raj, but I can't be loved.
I don't deserve to be.
Thank you so much, for everything.
Take care.
All the best!

Simran wiped out her tears again and again, but they just won't stop. She tapped the green "send" button, and immediately a notification popped up:

"The user is not available right not"

She recalled that night five weeks back when she herself had blocked him.



Raj just stood there, transfixed with stupefaction, mesmerised completely as he beheld her. She stood on the other side of the road, waiting for him. He wished time could freeze in that very moment when he has the pleasure of just standing there and looking at her innocent, beautiful face. In that moment, he knew the world was a beautiful place. In that moment, he knew there was hope and cheer. In that moment, he knew that the five years of wait was worth it.

And then she spotted him. He snapped out of it and ran towards her, not caring to look before crossing the road. 


'RAJ!' Simran cried. Then she breathed a sigh of relief.  The car had stopped, just in time. Raj ran to her, and she gave him a tight slap.

'Ouch! that hurt-'

And then she hugged him and did not even realise that she was sobbing until he held her face in his hands and gently wiped off those tears. 

'What...happened?' He asked her, though his eyes made it clear he already knew it all. The Idiot. He always did this. Hasn't changed at all.



'YOU IDIOT!' She started banging her fists on his chest wildly. It was then that she noticed he had grown into quite a healthy man, but with that same idiotic look on his face, 'WHO CROSSES ROADS LIKE THAT! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED THERE! DO HAVE ANY IDEA-'

She felt his grip tighten around her face a bit as he pulled her closer and kissed her. It took her a while to understand what was happening, but when she did she eased herself into his embrace. 

After so long, she finally felt happy. She had found the missing piece. 


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