Rossi x Angel!Reader 1/???

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"Why can't I?" You asked the man.

"Because you can't, you're not supposed to." He said, slightly agitated.

"Is it illegal?" You asked innocently, like a child.

"Well, no but-" He said but you stopped him.

"Then why can't I go into the men's bathroom?" You asked and he sighed.

"Because it has to do with human customs, privacy and respect for gender." He said hurriedly and you nodded.

"Okay, only for the fact your bladder has the pressure of a water balloon about to burst." You said and he disappeared into the men's room.

"Did you seriously wait for me?"

"Yes I did, you will have to learn to deal with this due to me being your guardian."

"But still, (Y/N)...boundaries need to be respected."

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