Part 6

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I hope our relationship last long. I really love him now. This is kind of guy that i need who protect me so much.
Siap sudah saya packing si Chris bawa saya bermalam sampai ahad ni. 4 days together hehe. Lepastu kuliah susah sudah jumpa dia pigi holiday next month.
Chris: done babe?
Hailey: yaa marila jalan.
Chris bawa saya pigi hotel *******
Kami sampai relax2 dulu kami tertidur sampai malam. Saya bangun si Chris tiada.
Dia masuk bawa makanan.
Chris: you awake? I bought you food😊
Mandi dulu then we eat.
Hailey: okeyy
Chris: hey hey wait we take shower together jimat masa.
Hailey: hahaha
Lepastu kami makan.
Chris: Hailey, if i ask you something do u say yes?
Hailey: what question?
Chris: will you marry me?
Uhuk! Mau tersembur tu air saya minum.
Chris: hahaha not but soon
Hailey: awal juga ko tanya
Chris: supaya tidak sia2 saya prepare hehe
Hailey: ishh are u really want to marry me?
Chris: yaa kalau umur panjang i wanna live with you.
Hailey: okeyy me too , i want to live with you share home shre everything, having a children 😊😊
Chris: yes dear 😊
Malam tu we have a sex but he not take my everthing yet. Saya pula tertunggu2 haha padahal saya pertahankan. Nvm maybe dia takut juga.
Tommorow morning Chris bawa saya jalan2 di mall. Like others couple holding hand, sharing ice cream sharing drink.
Chris: babe turn around.
Saya pusing. And i saw a necklace simple kecil ja cute2 its say there Christian's. dia kasih pakai saya.
Hailey: auuwww its so sweet, i like it so much. Do you have it my name??
Chris: yaa ada can't see it hehe its bury in my heart.
Hailey: ishh hahah
Then kami balik di bilik, saya rasa tidak perlu pun kami jalan di bilik ja pun best sudah haha.

Hailey: chris why you dont hmmm touch me? Hehe
Chris: i have touch you , apalagi yang saya belum sntuh semua sudah haha
Hailey: but 'yours' never touch 'mine'
Chris: we take it slow yaa, how about i touch it when im your husband. Your gonna regret it kalau tiba2 im not your husband at the end.
Hailey: why you say that? You say u going to marry me?
Kenapa macam sedih ja cara si Chris ni.
Chris: kita rancang but bukan kita yang tentukan we just pray.
Hailey: okeyy i pray for us hehe

Saya mau kasitau dia tapi susah betul. Takkan saya mau ruin masa2 happy kami.
Chris: this is the last day , you decide apa kita mau buat hari ni.
Hailey: emm how about meeting your parents??
Chris: are you sure??
Hailey: yess, then lepas tu you tinggal sent me home.
Chris: let me ask them ya
Adui kenapala dia minta begitu but i can't stop her.
Chris: hello dad, are u free tonight?
Dad: im meeting hailey's father why?
Chris: ohh how about we meet all together just dinner.
Dad: good idea. Venue?
Chris: at our house lah.
Dad: okey ill tell Hailey's parent.

Chris: we going have dinner with my parents and yours.
Hailey: reallyy!?? Yeayyyy hehe thank you , am i forcing you??
Chris: no baby hehe manada
Hailey: macam tida happy ja
Chris: sayang im good just nervous hehe
Hailey: ohh haha it will be okey bahhmau kenal2 ja kan hehe

The dinner
Saya dan Hailey sampai, our parents ada sudah sana.
Mamy masak special, nampak betul dia happy. Yaa i maybe make them happy now but just now.
Dad: so tell us how donyou guys know each other??
Yang lain pun support me and Hailey btgok takkan kami cerita di club hahah.
Chris: emm we meet at school. The rumour come all over the faculty that there is transfer student from UK. I was hoping her course engineering but its not haha but we emmm bump each other
Hailey: yaa hehe he make me fall and my book btabur haha right?
Chris: yaa haha that day i was seeing an angel haha then saya kejar2 la dia masa tu hehe
Hailey's mother: thats sweet haha Hailey memg kasar but lama2 okey juga haha so when is you guys big day or maybe e-day im excited.
Chris: err i think its too soon i will tell you guys soon when im ready, i ... i want to find some money first hehe my own money. Kami masih study lgi kan hehe
Hailey's mother: dont take too long taa i need somebody to take care my daughtet
Chris: err off ..... of course anty hehe
Mamy sama dady diam saja saya tgok durang.
Lepas dinner, si Hailey tdak minta hantar saya dia terus ikut parents dia. They were so happy.
Chris: im gonna break their heart soon
Mamy: its okey they will understand
Mamy usap2 belakang saya
Dady: faith to Him. If u guys meant to be , you will be together forever.
Mamy: pack lah barang ko, kita jalan sudah besok.

Saya sudah siap packing and its 10pm i cant sleep, im going to leave Hailey so long and tida tau balik kah tidak.
I chat her.
Chris: hey you awake?
Hailey: ya babe
Chris: what r u doing?
Hailey: nothing baru naik tadi cerita2 sama mom and dad
Chris: oh okeyy hehe can i meet u now?
Hailey: are u crazy? Hha u miss me already huh?
Chris: yeah babe hehe
Hailey: ermm okey let me know kalau sampai ar
Saya drive i want to see her last before i leave. I know im selfish. But i love her, biarla saya jumpa dia ni nanti dia tambah sakit bila saya jalan saja begitu.
Chris: i arrive
Hailey: wait sy turun.
Then dia masuk kereta saya.
Hailey: so we gonna stay here??
Chris: jadi pgi mana hehe saya mau stay up with u
Hailey: kenapa? Kita jumpa lagi bah
Chris: i cant help baby hehe
Hailey: emmm kita rumah sewa sy la, chloe sama emma balik juga
Chris: bahh
Kami pun jalan pi rumah sewa drg.
Then, kami stay diruang tamu macam haritu.
Dia sedia kain semua and kami baring, i told her pasang lagu sunyi betul.
Ngam2 lagi perfect by ed sheeran.
Hailey: i like this song hehe
Saya hug dia, kiss her hair.
Chris: you always smell good hehe
Hailey: thank you , you too bah i love your smell.
Saya hug betul2 i kiss her cheek balik2.
Chris: what are u going to do if i leave?
Hailey: emm i might be crazy, but i will find you.
Chris: please dont do something stupid yaa
Hailey: okey bh hehe lama kah holiday kamu nnti?
Chris: yes lama sayng
Berair sudah mata saya. Saya tahan ja.
Nasib gelap , lamp table saja di kasih hidup.
Hailey: i will miss you so much
Chris: thats why, dont be naughty, dont hangout with other guys. Jangan lupa workout and your muay thai pigi saja extra kelas even balik2 sudah ko menang. Bawa drg Chloe and Emma so they can protect you too. Kita tidak tau apa jadi in future.
Hailey diam.
Chris: are you listening?
Hailey: ya bh hehe you weird oh takut ni saya
Chris: dont afraid, when im not around you anything can happen thats why i worry. Please please take care yaa. I will ask Ray and Will take a look of you in distance.
Hailey: you protect me so much. Im lucky to have you. I dont want to lose you
Dia hug saya berabis.
Chris: Hailey, if there is something happen to me and i can't came back please dont think of me too much. Just live your life find better man okey.
Hailey tgok saya lama2. Saya nampak mata dia berair.
Chris: dont' cry. I will always with you.
Hailey: why you saying this thing to me? Like you really mean it. Stop talking.
Chris: okey okey i just want to remind you. Shhh everything will he alright.

Why he saying this thing? Is something gonna happen to him??
Sebak saya dengar dia cakap begitu oh.
Hailey: babe everything is okey kan?
Chris: yaa nothing to worry but im worrying in future saja hehe dont wear sexy outfit. Jangan telampau seksi lah ar.
Hailey: okeyy 😊😊
Chris: goodgirl smile often 😙
Subuh sudah , Chris hantar saya balik sebab saya ada kelas pagi2.

Pagi2 tu saya bangun , terus pigi class touch up cover hitam bawah mata sebab stay up hhe.

Saya sampai campus cari kelibat si Chris rindu sudah haha.
But i cant find hmm nanti nampak juga tu.
Habis class saya makan. Saya nampk Ray and Will but Chris? Tiada.
Where is he. Berdebar2 sudah jantung saya but cool down. Maybe dia belajar.

Besok pagi, i try to find him tiada juga. Saya tngok whatsapp tidak aktif. Ai mana Chris ni. Dia ada masalah kah?
Dia ada cakap masa begini dia sibuk beljar yala kami exam sudah next week.
Okeyla i let him. Saya fokus saja belajar one week tu. Saya bagi dia masa beljar. Saya ja kali over ni. Okey i cool down.
Lepas exam saya cari dia sebelum dia pigi holiday.

One week pass.....

Hailey must be finding me. Saya off phone saya. Now im at UK ******* Hospital. Waiting my new heart. Day by day im dying. But saya cheer up saja. I miss my Hailey. Her face, her laugh , her clumsy how have you been? I hope you in good condition. Saya berhubung sama Ray and Will through facebook saja, Hailey belum tau facebook saya. I changed semua info di FB. So people dont recognize me. Everyday, Ray and Will sent me her picture. She is getting pretty . Ada drg tersnap macam dia cari orang, tidak peduli cerita kawan2 dia mesti dia cari saya. Im so sorry Hailey. I will back for you, please wait me.

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