the summer of my life-a hayes grier fanfiction

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chapter 1
Carson's POV
"Carson wake up sweetie!" My mom yelled from the front seat of the car. I had been in the car for 14 hours, sleeping more than half of the time. "We are here." Oh no. summer had just begun and I was spending the first day of it in my car moving to Davidson North Carolina due to my dad's job. I already knew my whole summer would be filled with being home alone with my mom and older brother and waiting for my dad to get home from work. I would spend every day unpacking until the whole house was organized. I already knew that's what my mom would make me do. I sat up slowly peering out the backseat window. We were in the driveway of a 3 story house... Well 4 if you count the basement. I had seen pictures online but I had no idea my new house would be this stunning!!! it was 4:00 in the afternoon and my mom told me to go make some friends while her and my father and brother unloaded boxes. She probably just wanted to get rid of me for a while. I started walking down the street...
Hayes POV
I heard some loud slamming outside my window so I ran downstairs to see what was going on. Then I began to hear singing. It was the most beautiful voice I had ever heard. But I didn't recognize it. I hurried outside not even remembering to put on a shirt. When I opened the door I saw an angel. She was amazing .she continued to sing and didn't notice me. I coughed softly to get her attention. She jumped because I guess I startled her. "Hi I'm hayes, who are you?" I said in the sweetest tone possible. "I'm Carson, I just moved in next door" she said with a raspy voice. I giggled "what? Are you laughing at my name? My mom wanted another boy..guess that's why she named me Carson" I could barely even focus on what she was saying she was perfect. "no I just think your adorable" I said to her and winked.
Carsons POV
I immediately forgot about how I just moved from Washington, D.C. I forgot how I was all alone with no friends. I forgot about the move. I forgot about everything. He was perfect. "Thanks you too" I giggled. I was drowning in his perfect blue eyes. They were perfect. He was perfect. We just awkwardly stood there until a mid-height woman about 5'5 walked outside. She introduced herself. "Hi I'm Elizabeth, I'm hayes' mom! I guess your our new neighbor?" Her voice was calm and you could tell she was a patient living person. "Yes! I'm Carson. I just got here about 20 minutes ago and decided to go on a walk when hayes introduced himself." I said. I noticed hayes staring at me. Not in a creepy uncomfortable way, but in a sweet gentle way. Like he just wanted a hug or something. He realized that I caught him and he started blushing, turning his attention back to Elizabeth. "Well Carson, I was just about to start getting ready to make dinner if you want to run and tell your family that you guys are welcome to come by!" I was shocked she asked me this. I had known these people for 30 minutes and they were already opening up to me. I knew I was going to love it here.
Hayes POV
My mom invited Carson and her family to come over for dinner and I was hoping Carson would say yes. She was so beautiful. Her eyes were chocolate brown, her hair the perfect dirty blonde color, her muscular legs and petite figure made her even cuter. Her smile was behind beautiful giving me butterflies every time her dimples came visible. She was perfect and I was falling for her. My daydreams were interrupted by Carson's cute little raspy voice. "I would love to I'm sure my parents and brother will too! What time will you want us to be here?" Carson caught me staring at her and she shot me a wink. "How about six-thirty?" My mom asked her. "Perfect" she said. "Thank you for introducing your selfs! See you guys at 6:30!" She shouted as she trotted back to her house. I couldn't wait until tonight.
Carson's POV
I asked my mom and dad about dinner and they said sure. I was really excited for tonight. it was 5:15 so it was too early to get dressed so I decided to run upstairs and pick out my outfit for tonight. I opened up a box labeled "CLOTHES--CARSON" I tore open the tape and started pulling out shirts and pants. I finally decided on some denim shorts a blue t-shirt that said OBEY on the front in black letters and my red vans. Now it was 6:00 so I decided to start getting dressed. I put on the clothes that I had just picked out and thought about what to do with my hair. It was hot outside so I didn't want to wear it down because it was just stick to the back of my neck all night. I eventually just decided to put my hair up in a semi-high side pony tail and straightened it so it didn't look frizzy. I never wore any make up except for mascara and occasionally lip gloss if I really was feeling into myself. I slathered on some mascara and before I knew it, it was 6:30 and we were walking next door.
Nash POV
There was a knock on the door. "I got it mom!!!" I yelled as I ran to the door. I guess this was the beautiful Carson Hayes had been talking about all after noon and her family. I swung the door opened and introduced myself. "Hi, I'm nash. I'm hayes' older brother. I'm assuming you are Carson I said looking at her. She was beautiful like hayes said just way too young for me. "And I'm thinking you guys are her family?" I said smiling. They nodded as I motioned them in. My mom came through the living room saying hello to Carson and introducing herself to her family. Hayes and skylynn ran down stairs and did the same as mom.
Hayes POV
Carson looked super pretty and after chatting for a few minutes everyone came in and got situated at the dining room table. After we all served our selves pasta and grilled chicken with Bread rolls we all took our seats. I of course chose the spot next to Carson. We bowed our heads to pray and began to eat. Once everyone was done the adults just talked and Carson's brother Travis started to feel bad so he walked home. Me and Emily decided to go upstairs. Nash left dinner early to go to a friends house and skylynn was asleep in my parents bedroom downstairs. Me and Carson had the whole upstairs to ourselves. We ran up the stairs and decided to watch a movie. We turned on FINDING NEMO because nothing else was on. We put the TV on mute 2 minutes into the movie so that we could just talk and get to know each other.
Carson's POV
Me and Hayes were laying on his bed leaning up against the wall just talking to each other. I turned my head so I could look into those beautiful crystal blue eyes. He scooted I'm closer putting his right hand on the back of my thigh and his left around my waist. He began to lean in, our faces got closer and closer until we were breathing pasta breath on each other. After what felt like hours our lips smashed together. His mouth gliding over mine like skis on a snowy mountain. Sparks flew and fire works shot out of my head. This was amazing. Just like him....


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