Chapter Two, The Past, and the Present

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   Being a half blood was much better than being a pureblood, Dean supposed. The magic he and Sammy had had come from his mother, while dad was the muggle, and thanks to him, Dean had been introduced to the best thing the muggle world ever created.

   Rock and Roll.

   Metallica? He could listen all day.

   Led Zeppelin? Only the best.

   Rolling Stones? Music to his ears. Literally.

   It was a bit sad, really, that wizards were deprived of such awesome stuff as that. But it was pretty funny at times, what else they were deprived of.

   Telephones, televisions, and pens. He had bought a whole packet of pens in London, no way he was gonna write his essays with a freaking feather.

   Sometimes, when around the pureblooded families his mom would invite over, he would reference a show on muggle television and he and Sammy would just laugh and laugh, whilst the purebloods would look confused.

   Well not all of the families, the Weasley's were an exception.

   Their father worked in the ministry, in Muggle Relations. Dean ended up explaining the television to him all through dinner.

   The Weasley's were all right, maybe they would see their son, Ron, at Hogwarts this year.

   But, out of all purebloods he had met, Cas was definitely the funniest. He never caught any of the references, and when Dean made an especially funny one, instead of laughing along with Sammy and him, he gave them the most blank look Dean had ever seen and said something along the lines of: "I don't understand". In such a way that made Sam and him laugh even harder. Castiel Novak was one funny guy, even if he hadn't meant to be.

   "We've almost reached the end of the list". Castiel said dully.

   "Well what do we have left?" Sam turned to him and Dean took the list from Cas' hand and inspected it, nearly dropping it from being knocked into by two boys who were connected by what looked like an extremely long scarf.

   "Hey!" Dean protested.

   "Sorry mate!" the taller one said without a hitch. The short one with floppy hair patted him on the back, and then they both took off toward Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.

   Cas frowned "Funny,"

   "What is?" Sam asked him.

   "I could've sworn I've seen those boys before".

   "You could've seen them through the crowd? I don't know man, they run like rabbits". Dean reassured him. Cas looked unconvinced.


   Coming out of Ollivander's, Castiel felt strangely fulfilled, as if he had already done what he was destined to do, which was completely crazy.

   But it felt nice.

   He had gotten his acceptance letter to Hogwarts, his wand had found him (a beautiful wand made of willow bark, eleven and seven quarter inches long, with a unicorn hair core.) leaving him with a warm fuzzy feeling inside, and he supposed he had just made two friends outside of his family, which was two more than any of his brothers could say they had. Castiel gave a small smile to the world around him.

   Dean said, "There's a Florean Fortesques right there, I have a couple of Sickles (A wizarding currency; No paper money, just coins i.e. Bronze Knuts, Silver Sickles, and gold Galleons) left, we could stop and get some ice cream?"

   Sam nodded, and Castiel's stomach growled.

   "I'll take that as a yes". Dean chuckled.

   Castiel had not had ice cream in a long time, and had no idea what flavour he enjoyed, was it chocolate perhaps? Or possibly a strawberry? He ran a hand through his dark hair.

   He decided to play it safe and just get vanilla.

   As they sat down on one of the grated tables Sam tapped Dean on the shoulder "Guess who that is".


   "Him! That guy!"

   "That guy who, Sammy?! I don't see who you're pointing at!"

   Sam pointed again "The boy with the messy hair and glasses, up there!" This time Castiel turned around to take a look, up by the counter, ordering some ice cream was a boy, a bit on the short side, with jet black hair, and round glasses.

   A flash of green light raced through Castiel's mind, causing his head to throb.

   He blinked, hard, and suddenly answered, "That's Harry Potter... The Boy Who Lived?" He had no idea how he had acquired this knowledge so suddenly, because he had never even met anyone with the name Harry, and yet he found himself knowing how he was so famous and exactly what happened on that fateful night. What was worse, he had this vague feeling of danger surrounding the boy...


   Castiel shook his head, banishing all thoughts of going insane from his mind, if he ignored the visions, perhaps they would stop.

  "I apologize, I believe I was somewhere else for a moment".

  "Hey, that's fine," Dean reassured him "You should see Sam when that happens to him, I swear I once saw him drooling once!"


   Cas chuckled along with Dean, he hoped the day would never end.

   But it did anyway, the sun never changed its course of rising in the morning and setting in the evening, and Castiel went to bed with that warm fulfilled feeling again, it would be forever known as one of his best days ever.

   At least until he woke up in a cold sweat, at 11:30 at night, the warm feelings gone, replaced by dread. The image of Lily Potter begging for Lord Voldemort to spare her son's life would forever be burned in his mind.

I apologize for the complete lack of Sherlock in this, but I promise that He will reveal himself soon.

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