G.D Silent Treatment

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Grayson's P.OV

It's been 3 hours. Y/N and her stressful ass having self has not spoken. Honestly I don't know what to do, I want to apologize but I don't know what I did wrong. It wasn't even me it was that girl at the restaurant.
"Y/N babe I'm sorry please talk no me" I said with as much emotion as some would say


"I don't know what the hell I did so why are you mad" I said clearly annoyed
"You're kidding right, you're such a dumbass I can't even be next to you" she said swaying her hips a little extra and walked out of the room
"Its not even my fault gosh!" I yelled up the stairs

Best believe I went down those stairs like Barry Allen (the flash)
"Do you not remember what happend not even that long ago!" I screamed at him

Grayson and I were just walking around at the strip malls but I, like always was hungry
"Babe, Babe,Babe" I said poking him
"We literally just ate are you seriously hungry" he said stopping
"How did you know I not as hungry" I was shook
"We've been dating for a year and a half you do this almost everyday" he chuckled
"True, sooooooooo wanna go to Chipotle" I said already walking off
"Looks like I don't really have a choice do I" he said as jogging to catch up to me
"Nope" I laughed as we walked in
We ordered our food and sat down everything was going great.
"I have to pee gray" I said loudly causing some people to start
"Oh my cheese bits Y/N shut up" he laughed out
I went to the bathroom and come out to see Grayson and there was the school slut Alyssa all over my mans. I stood there for a second planning her death when she spotted me her face went a bit pale-er or whatever white People skin does. She has a smirk on her face, she was writing something down which I'm guessing was her number and gave it to him and he didn't even say no or anything he said thanks. She leaned in to kiss him but he moved his face and that's when I went mental. I walked right up to her, Grayson with a scared look on his face I pushed that bitch out of my seat and poured my drink onto her. She pushed me back which caused me to throw some hands.
Grayson pulled me off of her and took me outside
"Are you CRAZY what's your problem she didn't even do anything wrong you're so stressful talking to me isn't even bad why are you like this, I'm so UGH" he screamed at me
I just looked at him with the dirtiest look and just walked away
"Where are you going in your ride" He yelled after me
It was pretty far and it looked like it was about to rain so you went back and got into his car and drove to his place where you continued to ignore him
"I'm sorry, Y/N you know I love you and I'm sorry if I did or said anything that hurt you please forgive me" He begged with his Sad face on
"Oh alright, you're very lucky I love you" I hugged him
"So since everything is patched up now," he said with a smirk on his face "it's been like 4 hours and I haven't kissed you"
"Well I can fix that right now"
He smashed his lips onto yours and started a make out session which get heated very fast. With my hands running through his hair and his hands gripping my ass it was the best time of my life. It just for today

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