Part 4.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to train~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

your POV:

As we all got on the train I looked at the vampire oddly. He was blubbering about some woman. I couldn't catch her name through his constant sobbing. I closed my eyes and dozed off for a bit. When I woke up I noticed everyone was gone. I walked out of the car and saw Allen and Lavi looking for Krory. I sighed and followed them to the back of the car where we found a half naked Krory and some hobo bums. The one who held the cards was grinning. I looked at each of them and muttered "scum." Each of them looked at me, hearing what I said. "What did you call us?!" one of them yelled. I just sighed and said "People who can't get jobs and do nothing for our world. Its sad really. I feel sorry for y-" I was cut off my a little boy in a mask pulling at my coat. I kneeled down and looked the boy in the eyes. "Do you like candy?" I asked in a serious tone. The boy nodded and I pulled out of my pocket a piece of rock candy. While I can make jewels and all that kind of stuff I love to make rock candy. "Whats your favorite animal?" was the next question I asked. He thought for a moment before saying "Dolphin!" I pulled out a blue dolphin made from Sapphire and handed it to him. When I looked away from the boy I saw the hobos in there underwear "NOT SOMETHING I NEEDED TO SEE, ALLEN!!" I yelled and shielded my eyes. Allen had won every thing back of Krorys and all of there stuff. I sighed and left the cart before I heard the one with big glasses yell "Hold on a moment!" He seemed to at least have pants on so I turned to face him. "What?" I said in a harsh tone. "thanks..for giving those things to Eeze." I looked away "A kid like him should not be living on the streets with scum like you." I then walked away, not looking back. I sat in the car and waited for the others to come back. Something seemed odd about that guy. I decided to shrug it off.

~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP TO THE ORDER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The moment I got back I got called into Komui's office. I kicked down the door and started to shout "CAN'T A GIRL GET A BREAK?! I JUST GOT BACK!!!" He looked at me and calmly said "yes sleeping through an Akuma fight is such hard work." I glared at him and waved my hand "just tell me what I have to do." He smiled and said "In a forest it seems a tree has been growing diamond crystals and a bunch of Akumas have been spotted there." I nodded and was sent on my way. I didn't have a finder and sat on the train alone. Little did I know ponytail was on the same train as me. He sat down next to me and didn't look surprised when he saw me. "Want to play chess?" I asked out of pure boredom. He ignored me and read some files. I smirked as a crystal started to form around him, trapping him. He glared at me. "I asked you a question" I said as if I did nothing wrong. Ponytail spoke after a few seconds of glaring "Fine I'll play." The crystal disappeared and a chess board was formed in front of us with the pieces. "You first" I said. He made the first move. We played until it was my stop, neither of us won. I walked out and went through a little town. It was full of color but everyone looked scared. A little girl approached me and smiled sweetly. "Why are you here traveler?" was what she said in the highest pitched voice I may have ever heard. "Wheres your mom?" I smirked. She giggled "you're good exorcist!" She then transformed into a level 1 akuma. A crystal went through the Akuma. I sighed "they make it too easy." I was able to get the innocence quickly by putting a border around the tree made of crystal than grabbing it.

TIME SKIP::::)))) ~~You have been going on a lot of missions lately and have earned quite a good rep. The Noahs aren't too happy though.~~

Tyki POV:

The Earl had called me to tell me about some exorcist to get rid of. It wouldn't be too hard. They usually just are too afraid to move and I don't have to do anything. The Earl had me sit down as he talked. I listened to what he was saying carefully because this particular exorcist caught my interest. "Her name is (Y/n). She has killed over 1,5000 Akuma and and she never even moves. I have seen her fight and at one point she read while killing 100 of them. People say she has 100% connection with her innocence. Some say the most dangerous part of her is her beauty. Just be careful though I doubt she could kill you she could hurt you." I nodded and went on my way to meet this supposedly amazing exorcist. It will be fun to watch her scream in pain as she died. She seemed to be sent to the place in which the innocence had been causing a waterfall to turn into gold every full moon. I put a suit on and left. I couldn't wait

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