my Hero

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ive been going back in forth to LA to FL leaving Cooper behind hes not the only thing but this girl like goes every where i go gunnars machinama and Razor plus the parties we go to Today was our Gunnaroptiks photo shoot and there she was black dress converse high tops Mitch looked at her Jerome whistled her beautiful red hair falling down with curls and her bangs straight across one eye "You guys this is Tammy or Lovernotahater treat her well " the guy said "im Jerome " he did a little slurp and put hs hand on her side "im Mitch pleasure to meet you " Mitch said "whos this strapping man of masdistruction " she looked at me when she said it her accent clear as day "im Ryan XRpmX13 ""im Tammy " that country accent was beautiful "Lovernotahater " ok id have to admit the fact that she is a gamer id have say shes right next to me on the GLG scale she's half ad good looking as me "well you guys met her yall can watch the shoot " she went to change and came back in with short shorts and a batman shirt with a batman snap back she was doing poses and flipping her hair and she put the glasses in her mouth and bit down that's what got me into this weird feeling

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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