08| august, virgo

30 2 2


I got onto the bus. I found Violet already there, so I sat beside her. "Hey, what's wrong?" Violet looked out the window. No reply.

"C'mon Vi, I'll try to make you happy." I told her. Violet spun around and she looked really upset. I gave her a hug. "What happened?" I asked.

"Leo and I got into a fight.." She told me how he was trying to prove something she loved was useless. Horoscopes. I didn't want to admit to her face, but Leo was right. Horoscopes are kind of useless. 

"You shouldn't let that get you down. We can talk to Leo about this." 

"I don't want to." Violet said, turning back to the window.

I was silent the rest of the bus ride.


"Violet!" A familiar voice yelled. It was Leo. Violet kept on walking. I was torn. Catch up with a sad Violet or try to comfort your friend who's feeling bad? I decided to let Violet walk. She needed me, but she didn't want me. 

"August, how do I tell her I'm sorry? I couldn't sleep last night, I felt terrible." Leo stared at his feet. 

"Well, I don't know. She's pretty upset. I've never seen her look like that." I shrugged. 

"I always do this. Even if I think horoscopes are useless, I make my opinion worse." Leo looked really sad. 

"Don't worry. We'll figure something out." I said. Leo and I walked into the school. 

I ran to my friends. Claire and April were comforting Violet. I felt bad for Violet but I think she was overreacting. I would be upset if my friend got in a fight with me too. I thought back to yesterday. Telling Sara what was going on. Sara didn't come to school, she has a fever. I don't think talking about the disease had anything to do with it though. 


Claire was talking to me like a big sister would. Which was weird but nice to know someone cared. It kind of made me feel better. I felt bad. I overreacted yesterday and I was not willing to forgive Leo. He was being a jerk and again, you could keep your opinions to yourself. 

August walked over. "Hi guys. You okay?" She asked me.

I nodded. Well, I never really cried. I was just angry. So it made me look upset. 

It's nice to have friends like April and Claire, because you can vent to them. That's what I did. It helped. 

"Here comes Char and Gabi." April whispered. No one really liked them. Well, April and August don't. But it's good that they support Gabi, she is having a terrible time at home. 

"Oh, here comes Little Miss Attention Seeker!" Peppi said through laughs. That was dumb. 

"Buzz off, Pepper mint." Charlotte snapped. August just rolled her eyes. 

Aquarius (I mean Austin) was walking down the halls and Lydia was staring. 

"Um, come on Lydia, lets leave these dorks alone." Peppi looked scared. Lydia still stared while they walked away. Tay didn't follow them though. 

"Sorry about that." Tay said to Gabi.

Gabi just looked away. "They're a bunch of bullies, Gab, they think you're doing this for attention." Claire explained.

"I know Claire. You didn't think I knew? You should've heard Peppi on the bus."

"What did she say?" asked April. Gabi sighed.

"She called me an attention whoooor-" Everyone gasped like something dramatic happened. 

"That's so uncool. Peppi shouldn't be saying that stuff." Charlotte said. 

I heard August mutter something to April, it sounded like "Oh my god wow." 

I didn't like how April and August kind of hated those two. I could see why but now wasn't the time.

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