Mom. Dad.

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I went home only to find my mum and dad with a cake in their hands. On asking why they said i shall get to know. I did not have much time for further interrogation, so i just came to the point. Brennan and i had loved each other for years. Had lost each other. Still loved each other. We wanted to be one. At this , the cake that had once been resided in moms hand fell on the ground. Dad went back and dropped himself on the sofa. Astonished , dumbfounded and dumbstruck i did not have words to express. Then , finally breaking the silence my dad spoke up,
"We had found someone for you."
WHAT THE ......

Angry and blank at the same time i asked my father who it was.

" Dave.  The son of Mr. Williams. "


"Yup. He said he wanted to marry you."

"But DAD!!! It does not matter to me if he wants to marry me one sidedly. It matters whether I want to marry him. And trust me i dont. He is the son of a bitch. HOW DARE HE. The decision is about MY LIFE. Did u not consider even once how i feel about. Did u not ONCE think of asking me. Besides , he used to hate me dad. How can a person suddenly have a change of thoughts. WOW. But dad. I dont care if he hates me as hell or loves me as fuck. I M SO NOT MARRYING HIM.  I m marrying brennan or no one."
"Ash. LANGUAGE. And people may change over the time. Even Dave has. Probably......."

"DAD! You cant just marry off your daughter to someone ASSUMING something. Really? On the sake of the 'probability of him converting to a whole new person' you are ready to marry of your daughter? WOAH...."


What did he want to say. This was getting deeper. Mom was still standing with the same position of hands as when the cake had fallen. Blank; expressionless.


"You cant just send me like this. I have the right to be a part of the discussions of my life-"

"ASH!!! Go to your room. RIGHT NOW. "

That was enough to shoo me. I stormed off to my room. Almost breaking the door. As I lay there on the bed , tears rolling down my eyes, i could hear the soft , calm conversation of my mom and dad. All i could manage to hear was,

"Do you think i treated her a bit to roughly and whatever she said was actually right?"

No reply

"I should have allowed her to say something "

Still, no reply

"What do you think?"

At this my mom announced,
"Ash has a point. She should have the right to choose her life partner. She should be allowed to voice her opinion.
And god knows if that Dave has really changed at all. We cant ruin our daughters life like that. And i know brennan really well. He is better. Better than dave. Better than anyone else we can probably find for Ash. I think....."

"You think?"

"I think we should let Ash marry Brennan. The person she has loved all through. She might not have told but i had seen love in the eyes of both of the kids for each other. Intense love. Brennan will keep our daughter happy. For life. For eternity."

"I think youre right. I shall talk to her. "

Never had i loved mum and dad so much in my entire life.

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