Summer Fun Start!!!

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Today I woke up at 5.30am which is rare as I usually wake up at 6.45am when there is school and at like 10am on weekends but today I made an effort to really get ready for this amazing trip!!!

*skip to entering the airport*

As I was entering the airport I felt a mixture of happiness, nervousness and excitement. Once in the airport I started looking for my friends and I saw them, they were already there... I quickly went to say hi and get going!

'Omg Hiii' I said to everyone.

'Heyyy!!' said Emma and Sarai.

'No time for chit chat let's go go goo!!' said the boys.

And off we went. To the plane.

Once in the plane I quickly went and sat next to the window so no one would take my place. Behind me on the four seats sat Emma with Sawyer (her boyfriend) and next to them sat Sarai with Jay ( her boyfriend).

Now I was single but I didn't let that ruin my trip... especially because it got better when I realised Sam ( now my ex) wasn't going to come and was going to go on holiday with his new girlfriend.

Adym is also single and he had no one to sit with so he sat next to me.

After an our on the plane all my friends behind me we asleep, therefore me and Adym were tbe only people awake. This flight was going to be a 5 hour flight so eventually I should have imagined people were going to be asleep.

'Hey...' Adym whispered so he didn't wake the other up.

'Hi..' I replied.

'So.. do you have any idea why Sam isn't here?' he asked whilst he was looking deep into my eyes.

'Yeah.. us two broke up and he found someone else and is going on holiday with her...' I said looking back at my computer.

'Oh.. uhm I am sorry for you... he shouldn't have left you...' he said, with his eyes glued to mine again.

'Uhm.. do I have something in my eyes? Ahaha' I asked him laughing.

'Oh! Hah! No I was just was just looking at your eyes.. they are beautiful...' he softly said.

'Awee.. thank you! I don't know what else to say...sorry haha' I shyly whispered.

'Haha' he laughed.

'But what happened to you? Where is your girl??' I asked, but probably a bit too loud as Sarai nearly wake up.

'Just text' I quickly said to continue the conversation.


So... what happened to your girl??

Uhm.. long story short she cheated on me...

Oh.. I am sorry to hear that

It's fine.. it's not your fault is it lol..

And so we kept on texting for the whole flight.. and it felt amazing... he just knew how to comfort me.. and make me laugh...

*skip to entering the camp*

As we entered the camp I could see a big room which I think was the desk and everything and then a an hallway to multiple more doors which I think we're ethereal little tunnels to the treehouses.

As Sarai went to the desk to ask for the treehouse's keys and everything the other and me were just looking around...

Once Sarai was done we all went to find the door which led to our treehouse.. entering it I could see the living room, then there was the kitchen... after looking around we all went up stars to see the bedrooms and bathrooms. As we were looking upstairs I realised there were only 3 bedrooms... and there were 2 couples and 3 single people. And in those bedrooms the beds were double beds!! For two people!!

'Why are there only 3 bedrooms?' I asked Sarai and Emma.

'Well... Jay and I are going to be sleeping in one bedroom....' Sarai said.

'And Sawyer and I are going to sleep in another bedroom...' Emma added.

'Wait so we gave to sleep together?!?' Adym and I asked confusingly at the same time.

'Yeah..' Sarai, Jay, Emma and Sawyer said at the same time.

'I am sure it will all be fine...' Emma added to try to comfort Adym and I.

'Well let's go sleep, tomorrow we have a day full of hot tub activities and more!!' Sawyer said to break the silence.

And so we all went to our rooms...

As I entered the room I quickly went and got my pj's and went to the private bathroom, as every bedroom had one, and got changed, then hopped in bed.. a few seconds later Adym walked in and got his pj's which were just some sweatpants and he took his shirt and pants off and put on his sweatpants on right in from of me.. not saying I hated it but still.. whatever. He then hopped in bed too and just turned to his side as if going to sleep then he quickly just turned around looking at me and said goodnight and scruffled my hair, then he turned around again and went to sleep, after a few seconds I replied with a goodnight and went to sleep too.

Hope you guys are liking the story so far!! This chapter Adym came in!! Yaaayy !!! Love youuu 💕💕

Love in the Treehouse || Adym Alyxander Yorba Where stories live. Discover now