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Amelia's POV

He just snapped. It was like a second before his mood changed. I didn't mean to upset him. Maybe I did push my boundaries with him. It's like walking on eggshells everyday. There's something off about him. That's not normal to just change emotions so quickly. My mom walks through the door moments later with a few groceries.

"Hey Mel."

"Hey mom." I give her a fake smile.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Boy problems I guess." I shrug.

"You guess?" She asks while putting the food away.

"Well yeah, it's not really a boy that I have a crush on, it's just hard being friends with him." I prop my hand under my chin on the island.


"Well whenever he shows the slightest bit of emotion something happens to him, he just snaps or walks away. He says he cares what I think but he doesn't like me. He said he doesn't want me to be scared of him but got upset when I said he wasn't that bad, he said he is bad. Today he even fought someone for me. He literally exhausts me so much with the mood swings."

"Maybe he just has problems making friends."

"He's fine with Xavier, Oli, and Braden, maybe even Krista!"

"Well maybe the feelings he has for you are a bit... different, you have to be patient with boys like him. He'll come around." She gives an understanding smile.

"I guess, but I'm not going to force anyone to be my friend, I'm so over his episodes." I roll my eyes.

"Well avoid him for a while, if he really cares about you- he'll come to you."

"How will I do that, we have the same friends?"

"I guess you just have to explain what you're doing to your friends, so they don't think anything bad."

"Fine, thanks mom." I give her a hug and walk to my room.

"Why do boys have to be so strange?" I mumble to myself.

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