Chapter 52: Christmas

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Disclaimer: Nothing is mine; everything is J K Rowling's.

Unfortunately my schedule has shifted so my free time has moved and I can't post a new chapter until later on in the day at the moment, but here's the next one regardless.

Chapter 52

'When is Harry arriving, Fleur?' Gabrielle asked, bouncing down into the kitchen in search of her morning, and first hot chocolate.

'Soon,' she answered nonchalantly, trying her best to ignore the look her parents exchanged at the other end of the kitchen. Fleur had spoken with Harry through the locket a couple of times, but her mother had insisted that she help out at the shop in Carcassonne while she was suspended, which left her too busy to be able to meet him.

Neither of them had mentioned the last article in the Daily Prophet, but her parents had done it enough for both of them. Always bringing it up, always slipping little, unnecessary remarks into their conversations.

'In ten minutes,' their mother specified. 'It will be nice to talk with him a little more, it's hard to really get to know someone in such a short period of time.'

And another.

'Not for me,' Gabby chirped happily, wielding hot chocolate powder, milk, cream and spoon to a disastrously messy affect nearby.

'That's true,' Fleur smiled, taking more cunning approach like Harry would. 'Gabrielle would be able know a little about what he was like just from touching his magic.'

Her mother gave her a stern look. 'Gabrielle's empathetic magic is not something that should be used lightly, just as your stronger allure should not be either. I don't want to hear of either of you using them on anyone who doesn't understand what it means and hasn't given permission.'

'Harry's magic is really powerful.' Naturally her baby sister chose that moment to speak up. 'His wand felt completely different to any of yours,' she finished whimsically.

A series of expressions ran across her mother's face, ranging from outrage to curiosity. Eventually her need to know won over her anger at Gabrielle betraying the existence of her ability without consulting her mother first.

'What did it feel like?' She asked stiffly, still disapproving. In the background Fleur's father listened in with interest.

'Not telling,' Gabby declared, stirring her spoon and sending small waves of hot chocolate froth over the sides of the mug. Fleur tried and failed to hide her smile. Gabrielle was fond of Harry. She didn't say it outright, but her little sister gave off enough signs for Fleur to know that she definitely approved of her choice.

Harry had given her Clafoutis, after all, and that was certainly going to win him points with her sugar addicted younger sibling. Fleur was a little put out that he had never bought her something so tasty, but then they'd only really managed a few dates, it was risky to go anywhere with Harry being so well known.

'Gabrielle,' her mother sighed. 'We just want some assurance that what the papers are saying about him is not true.'

'And obviously my word wasn't enough,' Fleur commented.

'Harry is perfect for Fleur,' Gabrielle agreed. 'If she didn't love him then I would steal him instead; he saved me from the lake. If he'd kissed me and woken me up it would have been the perfect moment.' Fleur scrunched her face up in disgust at the idea of Gabby kissing her Harry. They might be the same age, but Harry was hers, and Gabrielle was her baby sister, she shouldn't be kissing anyone, let alone Fleur's beau.

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