The Telekinetic

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Let's just cut to the chase.Instead of giving you my whole life story let my just skip to the important stuff . I'm Alicia and I'm telekinetic.

I know what your thinking.

1. That's impossible

2. wow so cool

Umm not cool ( at least most of the time ) . Because when you are a telekinetic you never know when you can relax or when you have to be on your toes.

I've know for about four years ( I'm 12) . When I was 8 I was in my school annual Christmas pageant. I didn't have a huge part ( Shepard ) but it was still a part so I was nervous. To calm myself I focused on the shoes of the girl in front of me.They were black and shinny with a little bow on the front. then all of a sudden she fell and nocked all the people in front of her over. I had accidentally made her heals go up causing her to tumble over. when she started to fall I put my hands out to catch her and it looked like I pushed her. I got in trouble with the school because I had ruined the pageant. My

Mom ( also a telekinetic ) decided I should transfer schools.

So now I go to Norbertson Middle School.

It's an ok school I have friends and all but no one knows about my power ( as I call it ). Untill today that is. Today I blew it. I was in band and I was so mad at my stupid teacher so I asked to go to the bathroom so I could calm down and when I came back some idiots were digging through my stuff I yelled "hey that's mine " and sent someone's trump it flying in to their faces. they freaked out and came at me. I moved a huge tuba case into them and sent them flying into a wall but before they hit it I stopped them and held them upside down. That's when the principal came in. He heard all the commotion and decided to check it out. I bet you can guess what happens next. That's right everyone blames it on me even though the can't explain what happened and I got expelled. That about brings us to where we are now outside the principals office waiting for my mom. I see her pulling up to the door and I hop in the car as fast as I can. " what happened this time?" she said as if me getting expelled was something that happened everyday. " Oh the usual."I say in the same tone. " No seriously" she responds. So I tell her what happened. After the story it's hard to read her emotion. She looks kind of annoyed but a minor annoyed like a she was bit by a mosquito. " what do we do now." I ask. " Well" she responds " I guess we find a new school." 'But where?' I think 'we only have a couple years until my power develops all the way and when that happens I can go to an all telekinetics school.'

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