Part 2

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Well now you know that you know what happened to me,you're most like wondering how I'm writing this and why I'm not still chained I'll tell you.
After 3 months of continuous rape,I stopped fighting it
Not because I wanted to have sex.But because I thought that he might be more gentle or even let me go.
He didn't let me go ,but he did start being more sympathetic and gentle with me.i asked if he could order us a pizza ,after about 30 minutes of begging.He gave in and ordered it.and he kept ordering it,every night.but of course I was to stay hidden so that the pizza delivery man would not see me.
Although my living conditions were a lot better after I began "behaving" I wanted to escape,go home ,get Shawn arrested.....Killed if possible.
So I came up with what I thought was a brilliant plan.
That night when the pizza delivery man arrived I would run and scream and tell him to help me ,to take me home.
But that night my plan went beyond wrong.The pizza delivery man heard me,and tried to help me,he was running towards the closet In which I was hidden but before he could open the door.
Shawn shot him.
He then grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me out of the house and into his car and we drove.
I don't know to where but we were driving for around eight hours.
We arrived at an old abandoned apartment building.
He yet again dragged me inside
He took me through one of the doors and into a room with an old mattress in the corner .
He threw me on to it and .....well I'll let you guess what happened.
After he had had his fun, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a dirty old rag and stuffed it into my mouth and told me to bite down on it
I did as I was told because I was scared he would hit me.
He didn't.
He did something much more painful.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife.
Next he made a long deep cut along my wrist.
I let out a faint shriek of pain as I bit down harder on the old rag
"That's what's going to happen every time you misbehave"I remember him saying with an evil grin on his face.
He pulled the rag out of my mouth and put it on the fresh cut on my wrist.
Before he left he tied my hands behind my back and my ankles together,which I found rather unnecessary since I was already much too weak to even try and escape.
I had been in that moldy apartment for over a month when Shawn finally decided it was time to switch locations.
We drove for another eight hours,we arrived to a beautiful cabin type house.he gave me a room of my own ,he said I had "earned it" as if it was some sort of reward for letting myself be,raped,hit,and cut for 7 room was big and cozy and the bed looked as though it were made of clouds.
But trust me when you know that that cozy bed is where you will be raped ,you don't take much notice of its luxuries.
At this point I had finally given up any hope that I would ever see my family or friends again.but then i was given A sliver of hope.
I was in my room ,laying in bed staring up at the ceiling.
And suddenly I heard him scream "FUCK".
I jumped up and creeped over to the door and opened it ever so slightly so that I could see that he had dropped his phone in the kitchen sink while the water had been running .
I also saw him throw his wet phone into the nearby trash can and storm out of the house.
He's a complete idiot for doing so.for I had grabbed the phone as soon as he walked out of the house.
I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of dry rice and a bowl.i filled the bowl of rice and put the phone in.i put the bowl under my bed.praying that it the rice would absorb the water.
And it did.
The first thing I did was figure out the password ,luckily it was his birth month ,1998.
Then I tried calling the police.
He had transferred his service to a new device.
So now here I am ,in the notes app typing what has happened to me.but I must be careful he will return soon and he told me what he was going to do to me when he got home.
I am beyond terrified

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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