In the case of Clayton Tate...

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Greyson (Dr. Owens) POV

He stood in front of his desk, taking a few seconds to stare at his impressive credentials that hung nicely framed on the wall. He had a doctorate degree and he had worked hard for it, busting his ass more than anyone he knew. Never did he think he would use it to counsel lonely housewives or better yet, bratty teenagers who pissed their parents off.

Greyson snatched his file from his desk, quickly scanning over the print.

He was nineteen, almost twenty. He came from an affluent family. He didn't have any history of reckless behavior which is why it baffled Grey when his parents had contacted him. Recalling the conversation, he chuckled to himself. 

He was gay, they had said. He was confused and obviously needed to talk out his issues, they had said. 

Greyson mentioned to his parents that if they thought something was wrong with their son then perhaps having a one on one talk with him might help. He got the impression that that wasn't an area they had much experience in. And well, with the price they were willing to pay to help "cure" their son of his attraction to men, who was he to deny? 

With a sigh, he dropped the file back onto his desk and made his way to meet Clayton. 

When he got down the hall and opened the door to the lobby area, he was met with a slender but toned body sitting in the chair across the room. He had golden blonde hair that could use a trim and baby blue eyes that made him appear innocent. Greyson cleared his throat and said, "You must be Mr. Tate. Its nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Owens."

He watched as the boy choked on his water with a "holy shit" as he coughed. 

"Are you alright?" Greyson asked.

"Fine." the boy replied. He got up from his chair and moved towards Greyson with a guarded expression. 

Greyson immediately recognized that this boy would make him uncomfortable. He knew kids like him. Cynical, guarded to hide something. Not to mention the subject matter by which he landed in his office.

"Right this way," Grey instructed. He led Clayton down the hall to his office and opened the door, letting him go in first. 

He was unsure how to go about it. How would he get the boy to open up? How would he "cure" him of being attracted to the same sex? It was absurd. But unluckily for Greyson, he was not the first to speak.

"So, you're a doctor?"

Greyson straightened. "Yes."

The boy walked slowly around his office, eyeing his pictures on the walls, "Hm. And how old are Owens?" the way in which he put emphasis on doctor annoyed Greyson. 

"I am twenty eight years old." 

Clayton nodded, his hair falling into his eyes. As he raked it back with his fingers, Greyson couldn't help but noticed the way he moved. He was small but he was predatory. Boys like him were usually like that. They got the upper hand by talking first. 

"Lets cut to the chase, doc." Clayton had said as he slid into the chair across from him, "I'm here because my parents don't want me to like penis." 

Greyson smiled at his candor. He was straight to the point. 

"You're here because your parents want you to be here, yes," he responded, "but that doesn't have to be all we are here for, Clayton."

The boy rolled his eyes, "And what else, pray tell, are we here for?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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