loner smoke

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"Wake up angel!" I heard Andy exclaim and the door close shortly after the statement.

"I'm up, you rat." I replied but muttered the last part.

"You have thirty minutes to get ready." He smirked while walking into my bedroom in which I was standing up from just laying down.

"Plenty of time." I retorted and pushed past him to get some coffee. While walking into the kitchen I noticed Pete, Patrick, and Joe sitting on the couch looking tired as hell. "Jesus Christ guys, you look like you haven't slept since nineteen-ninety two." I said being sarcastic...obviously.

"Andy woke us up at five o'clock this morning." Joe yawned and closed his eyes looking as if he was going to fall asleep.

"Why?" I asked with a chuckle and placed my black coffee mug under the coffee machine.

"Because he wanted to make us breakfast." Patrick added and also yawned.

"And why was I not invited to this breakfast?" I questioned and looked at Andy who was walking back into the living room.

"You want me to wake you up at five every morning to make you breakfast?" Andy asked as I took the mug that was then filled with coffee from under the machine.

"Oh dear Lord no." I chuckled and he rolled his eyes and whispered an 'exactly'.

                          • • •

All the halls were filled with whispers as Andy, Joe, Pete, Patrick, and I walked into the school. Not because of us, no we were old news, it was because of the new kid. See I went to a small school that rarely got any new students.

"Have you seen the new kid?" Ryan asked us as we walked over to our friend group.

"New kid?" I questioned not knowing about the student just yet.

"Over there." Gerard replied and cut his eyes towards a boy. He had stringy black hair that was dyed red at the roots. He wore a black shirt and black baggy jeans. A cigarette hung out of his mouth and I was expecting the fire alarm to go off at any second.

"Him? He looks homeless." Joe chuckled while eyeing the boy who was leaned against the gray lockers.

"Don't judge him by his looks." I added and Joe just rolled his eyes. By that time the bell rang signaling that all of us scurry to our classes.

                          • • •

After three more classes it was finally lunch time. We all collectively sat at our cramped metal lunch table.

"My English teacher gave me a grade of seventy just because I misspelled a few words. I'm going to actually kill myself." I sighed as I placed a plastic tray with a sandwich and an apple on the table.

"Try getting a sixty because you missed a few questions on a quiz." Brendon replied and I rolled my eyes.

"You didn't even study for it." Ryan pointed out.

"How would you know? You weren't at my house." Brendon followed up and raised an eyebrow.

"Um, yes I was. Remember last night? You definitely weren't study." Ryan winked.

"Ship!" I nearly shouted while slipping off the bench. "Andy help!" I said and grabbed onto Andy's arm.

"You're ridiculous." He giggled as he sat me back up and I was faced with a red faced Brendon and a smirking Ryan. I then started to observe the cafeteria while the guys talked. During this I noticed the new student sitting at a table, then I thought that he was just antisocial or an outcast but soon I realized it was not any of these he just simply liked being alone and well...many kids were wary of him due to his rather roughness of appearance.

"Guys, the new kid is alone. Should we invite him to our table?" I asked interrupting their conversation.

"Another person?" Frank questioned with a sigh. I knew he was agitated with change in our group I mean first it was Andy and the guys, then Ryan and Brendon, and the new kid being potentially added.

"He's new, why not just at least give him some people to know and to back him up in this hellhole." I said to defend my case.

"Fine, fine. You're right." Frank complied and everyone else complied as well.

"Okay so who's going to invite him?" I questioned and most of them gave me a confused facial expression and the rest just rolled their eyes.

"You're the one who came up with idea, you do the honors." Pete said and I looked at Andy with puppy dog eyes.

"No, no angel. You're the one who came up with the plan." He retorted.

"Please Andy Bear!" I pleaded and stuck out my bottom lip in a pout.

He tried to look around but finally gave up. "Fine! I'll invite him." He sighed and got up from the table and started walking towards the new kid's empty ass table.

"Thanks Andy Bear!" I shouted at him and I got a small wave of acknowledgement from him back. After a few minutes of us all talking and nibbling on our food Andy came back with the new kid.

"So why am I invited to this?" The kid asked and twirled his finger in the air to signal that he was talking about our group.

"Well our friend Hanna thought you'd maybe like to hang out with us I guess?" Mikey said and nudged his head towards me.

"I like the nice gesture but I'm fine. I like being alone." He replied and pulled out a cigarette from his pocket where he had a box stored.

"But wouldn't you like to know some people so you aren't completely alone in this disgusting place?" I asked which took all the power I had out of me. He took a lighter out of his pocket and lit the cigarette and took a long drag then exhaled. "Yeah I guess you're right." He replied and sat next to Ryan. "The name is Bert by the way." After this we all introduced ourselves. All was good until Daniel showed up.

"Of course the new weirdo joined the outcast club." Daniel snickered and stood next to our table.

"Fuck off." I said already getting tired of his presence.

"Sure thing honey." He said smugly like he won the conservation.

"Who's that asshole?" Bert questioned and took another drag of his cigarette.

"That's Hanna's little brother. He usually has his friend Steven around but today I guess not. You'll also meet her big brother Caleb and his friend Geo." Andy explained before I could.

"Wow, your brothers are-" Bert replied but I cut him off.

"Bitches I know." I scoffed and felt grossed out by just thinking about them.

"I was going to say idiots but that fits nicely too." He chuckled. Soon after we invited him to my house (of course) this weekend where we had a little hang out, nothing like that last time. But before the lunch bell rang Bert got suspended for the day due to his third strike for smoking in school that day. A pretty simple day...if I must say so.

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