Emoji Game and MolSeb Meet Trump

684 28 85


whiteandnerdy - Estonia

SmolLatvianBean - Latvia

IceIce-Baby - Iceland

RiceRice-Baby - Hong Kong

MeiMei - Taiwan

Poker-Queen - Monaco

CuteLittleFishy - Seychelles

RepublicMolossia - Molossia

2HuttRiverDollarsPlz- Hutt River

SparklySebo - Seborga

BeingRichIsNice - Luxembourg

Liechtenstein - Liechtenstein

VietWillKickYourAssNam - Vietnam



RepublicMolossia: crappppppp

RepublicMolossia: i have to meet trump today kill me plz

RepublicMolossia: stupid Sebo has to come too because i dont trust him alone in my house

whiteandnerdy: why has he even been at your house for so long????

RepublicMolossia: hes sleeping on my couch now though omfg

SmolLatvianBean: avoiding the question????????

IceIce-Baby: when the rest of us meet trump we should scare him or something

whiteandnerdy: yes

Liechtenstein: that should be fun

Poker-Queen: Where have you been Liechtenstein? You havent been on the chat much lately.

Liechtenstein: Bruder and I have been busy

Liechtenstein: but on the bright side I have a good username idea

Liechtenstein changed her name to RibbonsRule

RibbonsRule: yooooooooo boiiiiiss

RiceRice-Baby: who are you and what have you done with precious lili

RibbonsRule: maybe Ive been on the internet for too long

IceIce-Baby: maybe

whiteandnerdy: you can never be on the internet for too long

VietWillKickYourAssNam: you need to get off the damn internet every once and a while

whiteandnerdy: nah

whiteandnerdy: im good


2HuttRiverDollarsPlz: Simple. We changed the subject.

RepublicMolossia: why am i friends with you

2HuttRiverDollarsPlz: Well, the last time I checked...

2HuttRiverDollarsPlz: We weren't friends.

2HuttRiverDollarsPlz: You aren't nearly fabulous enough to be my friend.

RepublicMolossia: i hate you

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