Chapter One

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Dear Diary,                                                                                                                                   January 10th  

I can't believe he is gone. Jake, my best friend, was killed in a house fire. He was one of the only people who ever talked to me. Everyone else just ignored me, I felt invisible. It has gotten worse within the last month because I found out I am pregnant, with twins. Jake didn't know he was going to be a father when he died. We always talked about getting married and starting a family after we both graduated high school. When I told my mother, of course she flipped out, but she is very supportive. My parents got divorced when I was eight years old, and ever since I have lived with my mom. I see my dad about once every two months. He moved to some podunk town named "Grantsville" and don't ask me where that is because I have no idea, all I know is that it is in Utah. 

When I went to my first ultrasound my mom came with me and she was more excited about the fact that I was having twins then I was. To be honest, I was a little worried when I first found out about the twins because I didn't think that I could raise two babies by myself, at seventeen years old. My father isn't really in my life but I decided that I should call him and tell him that I was pregnant. When I told him he started crying, then I was crying, then my mother was crying and it was one big crying fest. After we all stopped crying my father said he wanted to move closer to us so he can see his grandkids. I don't know why he wants to be in his grandkids' lives because he was hardly ever in mine. We all took a little time to think about it and decided that it would be nice to have extra help close by. 

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