The person I used to be

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She misses the person She used to be...
She miss, when she was little and didn't care about how She dressed, her weight or her hair. She now worry's about how she looks and her weight. She was happy, but not anymore.
When she first heard about suicide, she was upset on why would people do that to themselves? Just take away their life on purpose. It's funny because all of those feelings she had changed. She wants to die, she doesn't care about her life , She just wants to take away her life, but She is just to scared too. She is worried about what her family is going to feel like, her family friends and her friends. She also won't do it because she knows she will go to hell for doing it.
She used to think that monsters would sleep under her bed, but they are not. They are sleeping in her head at night and attacking her at day.

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