Disney World

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So my mom told me on Thursday that she was going to pick me up to take me to the dentist so I can get my baby teeth pulled. But when she picked me up and gave me and my brother a gift for spring break and so when I looked in the bag there was a shirt with Mickey Mouse on it a +FastPass Bracelet and a note. When I got done reading the note I freaked out and ran upstairs to get my makeup I gathered most of what I needed and we left but on the way to the airport my brother felt sick in the car so we gave him a bag and he puked because he was in shock. This was his first time on an airplane and so when we would turn it would make him get scared (which was pretty funny) so when we landed it was about an hour until or shuttle came to take us to our hotel (in Florida) we got unpacked and looked around in the kids room there were bunk with a tv to the side and in the adults room there was a big bed with a tv in front of the bed. The next day we headed to Disney World and out first ride *of the day and our first ride there. Was Space Mountain it was a roller coaster in the dark and it went down very fast and made my stomach drop. When we got out of there we went on a bunch of other things. My little brother screamed on all of the rides like a little girl 😂. The next day we went on to Everest Expedition it was a ride with the abominable snowman it had fast drops and it went backwards with jump scares. Another ride I really liked was a ride where you got to customize your own car and it had a number for different settings like economy, power, durability, and response my car won in power*speed and that was all the fun things for that afternoon on the second day and at night we went to go eat at "Be Our Guest" and if you know anything about the beauty and the beast then you will know what the grey stuff is and I got to try it it is icing with like pudding and a chocolate bowl/cone. After that I got to meet the beast and watch the fireworks over the kingdom. We went over to the gift shop and we all got to pick one thing I chose fluffy Minnie Mouse ears and my brother chose a lightsaber. If you want to hear more about my trip you can message me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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