Chapter 4

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Niall's POV

When we got to my flat Zayn and Madison walked over to the couch but as for me and Justin, he pulled me back towards the kitchen giving a serious death glare. "Why the heck would you bring them here." Justin said.

"I'm being nice." I smiled.

He rolled his eyes putting his right hand on the table. "That's not funny. This is serious and people are looking for us. We almost got caught twice. Policemen are looking for me and they don't plan on talking, they plan on killing. I don't want you in this mess and I don't want you to know what forget it." He said walking away from me. I grabbed his hand pulling him back towards my chest. Damn his lips were so close to me. His breathe hitched and I could feel his hand shaking on my chest.

"We keep ending our conversations like this." I chuckled. He kept quiet as he stared at me. His plump pink lips were to tempting. At that moment I couldn't help my self. I slowly leaned in feeling my lips brush against his........

"N-N-Niall........" He trailed off moving away from me as his hands fell back to his waist. "Um we should g-go b-back." He stuttered.

Great. I just messed everything up. Why did I try to kiss him. I mentally rolled my eyes. "Yea." I sighed.

I walked back to the living room and sat next Justin. We were so close not even paper could fit through. I guess Justin new since he immediately moved literally three feet away from me. Instead of sitting next to me he sat across from me on the other couch.

"Okay." Madison said getting everybody's attention. "So Zayn can you link Liam?" She asked.

"Ok." He said smiling. We waited at least five minutes for a respond. The whole time I just looked at Justin, who was to busy focusing on Zayn. Justin's face frowned when he looked at Zayn. I looked towards Zayn to see his eyes glistening and he almost looked frustrated.

"Zayn. Are you okay?" Justin asked.

"Liam's not answering. The only thing I heard was screaming and then everything shut off." He said starting to cry.

Madison rubbed his back. "Zayn it's okay there's probably bad connection that's all-

"Bad connection. BAD CONNECTION! HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET BAD CONNECTION MIND READING MADISON!" He yelled. Madison flinched trembling. I got to say it was scary seeing Zayn like this.

"Zayn calm down-

"Shut up Justin!" He yelled.

Justin jumped as tears started welling up in his eyes. "Zayn don't talk to him like that." I said in a calm manner.

"Why should I listen to you. My fiancé, the man I love is out there probably being captured and tortured by your stupid idiotic people!!"

"Yes I know but you screaming and yelling at your brother who cares for you so much, isn't gonna help us at all. And not everyone here is as bad as you think. Yea there are many many many idiotic people here but I know one of them isn't me."

"How could you understand. I'm in love. I can't live without him. You probably don't even know what love is. Your just a poor little worthless trash that no one cares about. A weakling."

"ZAYN STOP!!!" Justin yelled. I lunged towards Justin's brother and fell onto the floor punching him repeatedly. I kicked him in the stomach numerous times and punched his nose until the blood stained my knuckles.

"Niall stop!" Justin yelled. I turned to look at him sobbing on the floor.

"Seriously guys this is so unnecessary." Madison whined.

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