Looking back (not an art)

22 5 13

Pwaahhh!!! I'm exhausted from practice. When I came home I went through my wattpad page and realized how amazingly stupid I was.
I look back and wonder how I ever managed to even get past 5 followers, much less 4K views on my art book.
I think I've been extremely lucky during my time on wattpad. I've been on countless hiatus', broken some relationships I regret now, changed my name who knows how many times, and yet I have so many people here for me. For the most part.


I hope/want you to post something that shows your gratitude for those around you.

Oh how I've become to sentimental these days. My youth is slipping away. I'm already at the ripe old age of 13.

Boba's art attempts 2Where stories live. Discover now