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(A/N: swearing and some gore fighting ect) What I saw killed me inside.

My mother

The one who raised me to be brave

Was hanging on a tree

By her intestins
I cried
And cried
And cried
MY mother I was angry beyond angry I was pissed I walked downstairs giving James Misha and fleur knives and locking the door
I ran to the front door and ran to my mom
I brought my father's swords with me just in case I was attacked I was so angry who did this?

I see a man who looked 20 to 23 his hair was black to his shoulders with a white goodie covered in blood and a smile carved in his face he had a kitchen knife my mother had a smile carved in her face to it was him that thing who killed her "you killed her...
YOU FUCKING KILLED HER" I screamed at the top of my lungs he just laughed and laughed "it was funny watching her trying to fight and keep my downstairs away from you BUT we need you" he said "You're gonna die you motherfucker" I whispered

I threw the sword at him he doged it fuck "you killed her you deserve to fucking die" I ran at him
I'm pretty fast I'm the captain of the track team but that's another story to tell
"DIE DIE DIE DIE" I yelled as I swong at him
"HA you should die instead" he said "I should kill you instead" I yelled
James Misha and fleur ran to help as he was looking at them I hit him in the side with the sword
So much blood
It was gross
He deserved it
He hit the ground so fast I let go of the sword and ran to the house to change out of that dress into skinny jeans and a black Hoodie I can back out fleur said she knows a place we could stay at since my whole family is dead I was a sobbing mess
We arrived in like 2 seconds i got the use of teleporting it was underground thank God
After hours of sitting there awake I finally fell asleep

Next day~~

"Hey fleur do you think we should all learn to fight?" I asked "that seems like the human thing to do since we're being hunted by relentless killers" she said I still have the jack in a box

After hours of training we were worn out "we should watch a movie" James said "HORROR" fleur Misha and I said in unison
We chose creepshow
It was ehh I've seen way scarier by time the movie was over I was crying I was laughing so hard Misha and fleur were hiding in each other James was I don't even know he locked scared but tried not to show it
We got up and cleaned up "Hey Y/N can I sleep with you tonight" James asked "why scared?" I said "no I just want to protect you" he said I agreed even though I wasn't scared

It was around 2 in the morning and I had to pee but James was clinging on to me a little bit too Clingy for me but eh I went to the bathroom and heard Misha and fleur getting at it gross after that I went back to bed

The next day we trained even harder James was by far the weakest he didn't try enough Misha was up there but fleur and me were the strongest I was little stronger but not by much after that we watched a season or two of supernatural and then went to bed again James asked I agreed this went on for about a week we started to run out of food I said I'll get food I ran out I was back in a hour with food and pizza we stayed like this for about a month or two

We decided to go out and find slender and have a little chat we were string very strong and lean it was amazing we were at the beginning of the forest and headed in.......

DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN HA CLIFFHANGER AGAIN if you guys really like this I'll add more I'm sorry lj isn't in this yet but he'll be soon so the origin of your character she is the daughter of a very important person you'll find out soon she is 5'8 5'7 around that hight 16 with black hair around her mid back she is very talented she knows Bari sax piano mma track leader and football coach crazy right she is part of cheerleading she's not very popular weird huh she has pale white skin green grey and blue eyes with long finger nails he mother is someone's sister soon you'll find that out too I don't want to drag this out so byyeee ~mystery out~

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