Chapter 4

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Chelsea, Justin and Cherry ☝☝☝

Violet Pov

School's over and know I'm really nervous about Ethan's reaction. Greyson drove us back home he kept glancing at me as he made small talk with Ethan. I opened the car door Ethan ran up behind me "did I do something wrong?" He asked "of course not we just have to tell you're something and I'm really nervous of how your going to take it" I said "I won't think of you any differently you saved me you all took me into your home" he said sincerely I smiled and hugged him.

We went in the house I yelled for the guys to come down so we'll get this over with we all sat on the couch and Xavier started "we.....We weren't always this successful and happy all of us have a story I'll guess I'll begin" he sighed and closed his eyes "when I was 15 years old I realised I was gay and I went to tell my parents they didn't take it lightly every day I was beaten and abused when I turned 18 years old my father raped me and that was when I snapped enough was enough I ran I couldn't take it anymore and lived on the streets" he said he was crying but he's strong "Now I'm a street racer and I love it"

Ethan hugged him and Xavier pulled him on his lap and hugged him tighter
"I guess I'm next" Colton said "My life was amazing until I was 17 two people barged in my house killing my parents and my unborn baby sister I saw them rape my mother and after rip my baby sister from my mother's stomach then they saw me they turned to me but before they could do anything I grabbed the gun they put on the floor when they raped my mother and shot them both then I ran and lived on the streets then I met Xavier and know like him I'm a street racer I'm happy" Ethan sat on Xavier's lap terrified I sighed but was shocked when he jumped hugging Colton and then sat beside him I thought he was scared but I guess he was scared of what Colton went through.

"I guess we're next" I said looking at Greyson he took a deep breath and took my hand "When I was 12 years old my parents died in a car crash so I went to live in an orphanage then when I was 13 years old I was kidnapped by a man named Mike I was abused tortured and raped.I lived in a cell and the time I had alone in that horrible cell I trained to get stronger " I said

"Then when she turned 14 years old I came along I was abounded as a kid and lived in an orphanage when I was 16 years old Mike kidnapped me and threw me in the cell with Violet she protected me took my beatings when he would come to me to beat me she would always back talk to him so he would go after her instead of coming after me last year was when we had enough we stole 2 guns and shot all the guys working for mike but when we shot mike we don't know if we missed or not" Greyson continued we were all crying Ethan was even sobbing in Xavier's chest

"Now while I'm an illegal underground fighter Greyson is a legal boxer" I said Ethan jumped and hugged us still sobbing I shushed him and held his face in my hands "Do you want to see where we work" he nodded eagerly "We can go to my work place first then we can go to the guys street race than after we can go to Violet's and we can even see her fight" Greyson said we nodded and headed for our cars.

We got in Colton black Ferrari and yes we are rich."This is really nice " Ethan whispered as we got in the gym he wasn't talking about the gym he was talking about the man that were stretching for their fights.

I looked over Xavier he had his jaw clenched then he smirked he took off his shirt and went to a free space on the floor doing push ups Ethan's jaw dropped when he saw Xavier's six pack I chuckled and Xavier looked up smirking at Ethan.

The fight started it was Greyson Vs some mean looking guy "Come on Grey you can do it" I shouted after ten minutes of them punching and kicking back and forth Grey through a punch and the mean looking guy passed out cold "Congrats" I said when he came over to us but ducked him when he came to hug me but unfortunately for Ethan he didn't get time to duck him and ended up in a sweaty hug "Ew Grey" Ethan said his face scrunched up we laughed and headed to the guys work it's actually a huge arena it's illegal because there is bets and drugs and the place was abandoned but they turned it to a street racing arena.

"Xavier Colton glad you could make it you're have a race in 5 minutes Xav you the blue car Colt your with the black car they nodded and got in the cars.
"They're really good" Ethan whispered to me I nodded and​ cheered them on along with the people in the arena and Grey and Ethan after finishing 10 laps they were at their final lap along with a red car and a green car I crossed my fingers this is really a nerve racking moment "Come on guys" I whispered
I jumped and cheered after getting there money they came over to us and we congratulated them.

"Be careful when we get in there okay" I said they nodded we got out of the car and walked in that alley to a door that if you didn't know it was there you wouldn't see it I opened it and everybody got silent we got down the stairs with everybody staring at us well at me they do this all the time I heard a groan to my left and saw a shirtless guy with tattoos all over his chest holding his face "Next time you should have moved out of my way big backhoe" said my best friend Cherry she was a nice girl but had a sassy mouth and a lose temper.

"Seriously " I said with a laugh but she couldn't see through my mask I also made the guys were masks so they won't get recognised.I took her hand and led her to our dressing room the guys following behind us "you seriously need to get a hold of your temper Cherry" I said taking off my mask Cherry doing the same with hers "I try but that's not important right now you have a fight in 10 minutes so you better get changed" she said I nodded and grabbed my stuff going to the bathroom and getting changed into my black sports bra grey hoodie and my high waisted Jean shorts I put back on my mask and walked out of the bathroom.

The guys were wondering around the room while Cherry and Greyson talked I smiled and when Cherry saw me ready she said that it was time and we all got out front and while the guys to a seat at the front I got into the ring it was really a really big cage because sometimes the opponents get angry and throw each other and the wires of the cage.

I smirked when my opponent got up the cage he was really big with an 8 pack but nothing I couldn't handle I fought guys like him before it was 30 minutes into the fight I had to give this guy credit even though he looks exhausted and looks like shit he got a few good punches when I saw that part of his face was free for any punch I punched him and he fell face first I touched him with my foot guess he was knocked out which means I won.

I turned to the crowd that were cheering me on and raised my arm in victory after that glorious moment I got out of the cage and then we headed home Cherry with us saying that she's sleeping over and that tomorrow we are going to watch movies all day since it was Saturday I nodded and headed up to bed and the others to their rooms while Cherry headed to the guest room which she called dibs on I don't know how she can do that since it's​ my house I shook my head and continued walking to my room.Let's hope that tomorrow isn't​ going to be as exhausting as today.

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