The Ideal Guy

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The way we met,

The way our eyes held for a split second.

I lowered mine in shame,

My heart flickering like a candle in a breeze.

The way we stood,

Summoning the courage to speak,

Like vines – gazes almost inseparable,

Feeling like we shared a secret.

Your hand fit perfectly in mine.

The way we kissed,

Gentle warmth and burning passion

Simmered below the surface,

Cooking up something we both wanted and needed.

The way we slept,

Your hand around my waist,

My head nestled against your chest

Your body a solid wall.

Bitter words

Scarring the joy

Your protection falling away,

And I was left vulnerable.

The way we weeped

Lost in a world

Full of what used to be us.

It had turned to ‘I’s’ instead

Stubborn minds, eyes blind

We dug our heels in.

Silence was deadlier

Then the harshest screams.

The way we found

Each other through the mist

Held on and sighed in relief

You took my arm and told me to stay.

Your hand fit perfectly in mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2012 ⏰

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