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A word I appreciate yet hate sometimes,
A word they often say, but don't really mean.
Sometimes a load of bull, a load of crap.
A word meant to apologize but... Not

You say you're sorry to acknowledge,
A mistake you have committed,
To lift a spirit, make someone feel better,
One good reason the word is used.

But sometimes it means the opposite,
For you say you're sorry when you're not,
A mouthful of lies you just release,
Something I do not need and have no use for.

And often times, I hate hearing the word,
For it does not erase nor enlighten,
The hurt and pain you already gave,
That has caused you to say the word to me.

But know, that a simple sorry would never do,
For no matter how sincere, the fact is there,
The fact that you have hurt my human heart,
And words are not enough to heal the wound.

That's why I hate hearing such,
Don't say you're sorry to me, so refrain.
I am not heartless nor am I vengeful,
But I may forgive though not forget.

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