We're Pregnant?

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"Babe, are you done?", Jared asked me as he was entering our bedroom.

He stepped inside and saw me kneeling on my suitcase trying to zip it up. Packing was the least favorite thing in the world. It was a nightmare for me; by far the worst part of every travel. Plus, I didn't feel so well for the past couple of days, which only added to my misery. I was so looking forward to this vacation, but I wasn't going to let a bit of nausea ruin it.

"Almost... I just can't seem to zip this damn suitcase.", I said and jumped a bit on top of it to squeeze it more.

"How much stuff does a girl need anyway? I couldn't imagine how big a luggage you'd bring if we went skiing.", Jared said and laughed at me. I just looked at him desperately, hoping he'll see it as a call for help.

"Here, let me help you", Jared stepped towards me, pushed as hard as he could and I finally managed to zip the suitcase.

"Yes! That's my strong man", I jumped from happiness and kissed Jared quickly. But suddenly I felt dizzy. The room started to spin around and I thought I was gonna faint, so I put my hand on my forehead and tried to grab Jared with the other. Fortunately he was attentive and managed to grab my arm so I didn't fall.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you OK", Jared said and was a bit worried.

"Yeah... I just suddenly felt like I was going to faint. It must be 'cause of my sudden lift up. I was kneeling for quite some time... I'm fine now." I tried to catch up with my breath and I was breathing a bit fast. But now I felt better.

"I'm just gonna go and have some water."

I went to the bathroom, splashed water on my face and took a sip as well. Just as I thought I was OK, I felt like I'm gonna be sick. I was right. I rushed to the toilet and threw up. This had to be some of those damn stomach flues. Or the jitters. I never really liked flying, and we were supposed to go to Bora Bora for a vacation. I washed my face again, brushed my teeth and left out of the bathroom.

"Hey, are you feeling better? You were inside for quite a while?" Jared asked and came closer to hug me.

""Yeah, I just felt a bit sick. I probably got a flue or something. I'll be fine as soon as I take some medicine. Nothing to worry about" I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"But you're kinda pale, and you don't look like you should fly. Maybe we should just postpone this vacation until you feel better.", Jared suggested with such a sweet voice. I could tell he was really concerned for my health.

"No way. I'm gonna be fine. I can't wait for us to enjoy those gorgeous beaches, cocktails the sunset and the sea... I've been dreaming about it forever."

"OK, let's go then. Are you all packed? Our flight's in two hours so we should head out."

"Yeah, all set. We can go.", I said and grabbed my purse.

Once we were on the plane I started to feel a bit more nervous. Flying was never my thing, but I desperately wanted to visit Bora Bora, so I decided to man up and handle it like a pro. I was gonna take some pills and sleep for an entire flight. At least that's what I thought would happen. Instead, my nausea and dizziness worsened the moment we were up in the air.

"Can I get you anything?", the flight attendant asked us.

"I could use some nausea pill if you have one", I knew she probably wasn't the one to turn to but I had to give it a shot.

"Sorry, I could give you a glass of water and some crackers if you'd like"

"Water would be great", the mere thought about food made me feel sick, so I got up and headed to the bathroom.

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