↠Chapter Twenty Six↞

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Last chapter guys!!

Update: some minor edits and added OT7 stuff

I creep downstairs, past my parent's bathroom and into the kitchen. Making sure to make as little noise as possible, I grab an apple and my bag before leaving the house. The sun peaked through the cracks of the neighborhood buildings as I trudged my way to school. My conscience weighs heavily in my chest as the guilt of snapping at my parents eats at my insides. But they deserved it in a way right? I mean, they've practically forgotten the fact that I'm a human whom they brought into this world.

The school looms into view and the idea of seeing Jungkook today lightens my mood a bit. I walk into the empty dance studio and look around. This place has actually become my life. I've spent the majority of my determination and effort on this one thing and I don't regret it at all. Flashes of laughing with my friends and the feeling of accomplishment play out in the room and I can't help but smile.

I'm never going to give this up. No matter what. I'm choosing to stand by this and nothing's going to stop me.

The events of last night replay through my mind and I realize just how unreasonable both my parents and I were being to each other. It must be genetic... Quickly drowning the twinge of pain in my heart I make plans to talk with my parents later. 

I turn around when the door opens loudly and the person who's standing there brings a smile to my face.

"Jungkook! You're here early." I say and he walks over.

"Yeah, I figured you'll be here this early so..." He says with a sheepish smile while pulling me into a tight hug. "You sure you're okay? You sounded so sad last night." He worriedly whispers.

"I'm okay. It was just the heat of the moment talking really." I whisper into his chest and take a deep breath. "They told me to quit dance and to break up with you." I say sullenly and he hums. "They're expressions, I just couldn't take it anymore so I lashed out." He rubs my back comfortingly and I sigh. "I'm apologizing to them later today though. I mean, is it bad that I feel like I need to apologize for protecting something I love?"

"No, there's nothing wrong with that. They're your parents so it's normal to want to make amends." Jungkook reassures and I just hold him.

He suddenly pulls back and I'm expecting to see his happy bunny smile, but instead, I'm met with only a look of sadness. I stare at him as his inner turmoil plays across his face. Confused, I reach out to him but he pulls back. A shock of pain hits me in the chest and I pull my hand back.

"What's wrong?" I asked, hurt evident in my voice.

"There's nothing wrong. Everything is perfect. My life is perfect..." He trails off and his face contorts in confusion. "But I'm being taken away, away from you, away from my job."

"What do you mean?" Fear slowly seeps into my heart and my hands turn icy.

"Some scouters were at the competition and they watched me dance." He whispers lowly. "And they want me to go to the US to dance for them in competitions and stuff." He rushes through the last part and suddenly my world comes crumbling down. "My parents said I should do it and my hyungs also agree. But I don't want to leave all of this behind."

One of the pillars that holds up my life, dreams, and happiness was being torn down and with it my heart.

"They said that I have to stay there for a year." He continues and I try to piece my breaking heart back together. "It's only a year ___. Only 365 days apart. We can make it work, I promise." He says and gathers my lifeless body into his arms again.

"I don't want you to go." I cry out into his chest and he holds me tighter. "I don't know what I'll do if you leave." My tears continually soak his shirt and we stay like that, holding each other, comforting each other for what seems like hours. 

"Hey, atleast I can tell my parents that we broke up right? You deserve this oppa. You've worked hard, so you should definitely do this for yourself." I say through my tears, trying to lighten the mood, but he only gives me a pained look. "We'll still be together right? When you're in America? I can tell other guys that I have the most perfect boyfriend in America right?" I laugh sadly and he chuckles softly. 

"But I do have some good news. I recommended you to be the new dance instructor next year since you're graduating this year. I didn't know who else to recommend..." He mumbles into my hair and I pull back in surprise.

"What?!" I exclaim.

"Uhh, you'll most likely be taking my position next year. In other words, this dance class is yours." He says and I stare at him in shock.

"Wait, what?! Really?!?! You mean, I'm taking over here?" I stutter out and he laughs.

"Yeah, if you want too." He says nonchalantly and my brain takes a moment to fully process exactly what he said.

"Thank you!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" I squeal and jump up and down in excitement, some of the pain being forgotten.

"No problem ___." He smiles at me and I smile back.

Time Skip

"Make sure to eat healthily and to not binge on junk food. Don't pull too many all-nighters and rest as much as possible. Do not, and I repeat, do not forget to call and text me on regular occasion, no matter the time or anything." I list off quickly and Jungkook laughs. "And never forget that you have some one waiting for you back at home." I close off my list and he turns to look at me.

"Never." He breathes and I smile sadly. "And yes mom, I'll eat and sleep properly as well as contact you on a regular basis." He chuckles and I playfully hit him.

"Hey brat! You're forgetting about us!" Yoongi calls from behind us and Jungkook turns around.

All six guys exchange a few words along with hugs before Jungkook huddles them all together. They start to whisper about something and Jin occasionally looks over at me. I stand there, completely confused and feeling left-out. When they finally separate, I give them all an asking look but they refused to look at me.

We arrive at his gate and also my time to leave him. My heart constricts painfully in my heart and I feel the tears rising. I promised myself to not cry, I promised myself to not cry.

"Jungkook-oppa... I'm going to miss you so much you know that right? And all of your hyungs too." I say tearfully and he looks at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm going to miss all of you guys a ton, especially you. You've become my world and my joy. ___, I love you." He says and the all too familiar butterflies create a storm in my belly.

"I love you too." I whisper back and he smiles.

"The flight _____ will be taking off in 15 minutes." A generic voice says over the intercom and the tears spill out.

"I guess this is goodbye then?" He asks and I sob lightly.

"For now." I reply and he smiles at me with tear tracks lining his face.

Everything after that point remains a blur in my mind. I can't recall him giving me a goodbye hug or even a goodbye kiss. But all I remember is the pain of him leaving tearing me into pieces and the hope piecing me back together again.

So cheeeeesyyyy. This chapter feels rushed and choppy and cliche and just ugh.

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