Silver Quartz

166 5 815

Age: 24,000 (looks 24)
Gem: Silver gem on left of chest
Made to be a Gardner and a Sentry. They were some of the strongest quartzes made. Able to make shapeshifting holocreatures to fight in battle, like wardogs.
Weapons are  warclaws that can cut solid rock
Backstory:Silver is the last of his gem cause they were all shattered for being hostile. He was spared by his mother Blue Daimond. Durning the war he fell in love with a gem called Gold but she died before he could tell her. So out of depression he let himself get coruppted. But is only half. He has a hard time controling his rage but is strong but is a good friend to have

 He has a hard time controling his rage but is strong but is a good friend to have

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Half corrupted self

Half corrupted self

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His Gem

His WarClaws

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His WarClaws

Theme song

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