chapter 1

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Hi my name is Milly Nobb, and I live an interesting life. Most of my life is fake, a great act put on by mwah. I don't let people see who the real me is, I don't want them to.
I put on a different face every day, but the one face no one every sees is the sad one. I hide it so that no one can see my pain. No one can feel sorry for me and most of all no one can use my pain against me.

Unfortunately hiding the pain sometimes causes boundaries in my relationships. No one can completely trust me because I'm not truthful about anything really, but they don't know that. They just think I'm hiding things from them, secrets that I dont ever want told, and in a way they're right.


The day my Great Act started was the day of my 8th birthday. I lived in New York at the time. My friends had come to my apartment for a party.

After I had opened all their gifts, we sat down to play truth or dare. Naturally as I was a scaredy cat I would always pick truth.

At first the questions were classic. Did I have a crush? Had I ever cheated on a test? Being a goody two shoes the answer to that was no. But as we continued playing the questions became awkward and embarassing. Finally one hit me hard. My best friend Marcy asked me,"do you still pee your pants?"

That may not seem like the most embarassing thing ever but when your 8 years old and still peering in your pants you don't want anyone else to know. Unfortunately because I was a goody goody I replied truthfully with, "yes."

My friends all broke into laughter. They laughed so hard they were snorting. One, Lizabeth, laughed so hard she started chocking and, Bailey had to run to the bathroom because she thought she would throw up.

My mom decided that the party should end early because she didn't want us to get out of hand. So everyone left, and I sat on the floor for two hours, my face as red as a beet.

I thought to myself, "they'll probably forget about it by Monday, it'll be fine."

I couldn't have been more wrong, dreadfully terribly wrong.

I walked into school that Monday, and the whole hall broke into laughter. I turned around to see who they were laughing at. Then the dreadful realization came to me.

They were laughing at me.

I ran off to the bathrooms. But instead of going into the girls I went into the boys. I heard the hall erupt in more laughter but I didnt know why.

When I finally realized I screamed and ran out. Crying I went to my classroom and didn't talk to anyone.

When lunch came around I got in the line for food. As more people came in they started to cut in front of me. "Babies have to be at the back of the line." One boy, a Friend actually, yelled at me.

Other boys and girls picked up the insult idea and began hurtling towards me.

I turned around and decided I wouldn't eat lunch. I started walking quickly towards the door to the library. Sadly I didn't see the orange juice spill in front of me. I slid my foot through and expected it to stop so i could take another step, so imagine my surprise when it didn't. My foot went up and my butt came crashing down to the puddle on the floor.

The students broke into laughter for the third time that day. I looked up to see everyone staring at me. I got up and began walking towards the office holding my arm. I had fallen mainly on my butt but I broke the fall with my hands and I was in extreme pain.

As I walked past tables more and more people started laughing, and For the life of my i couldn't figure out why. When I got to the office I went to sit down and the principle said,"Please don't sit on the chair. Do you have any pants you could possibly change into?"

I looked down at my pants wondering what was wrong. As I twisted my body around, I realized that the orange juice was all over my butt, and it looked an aweful lot like pee.

The nurse wrapped my hand in a bandage and told me i could go. I asked her if i could sit for a while before going back. She said i could. So for the rest of the day I stayed in the nurses office to afraid to go out in case something stupid happened again.

That's how it all started. The beginning to my Great Act.

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