Chapter 2

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Andressa was holding Moe as the American national teamer was napping and was slowly falling asleep herself and she finally fell asleep.

Shaken awake a few hours later but it had only felt like minutes when she saw her girlfriends teammates and Ashlyn Harris made a shh motion and said "sorry to wake you but we think Moe's Doctor is coming soon." Andressa nodded and whispered in Morgan's ear "my sweet Moe it's time to wake up." Moe opened her eyes and saw everyone and smiled and said "what time is it?" Allie replied "5:30" Moe nodded and sat up with Andressa's help and smiled and kissed her gently her Brazilian girlfriend and the team smiled and the Doctor walked in looking sad and said "I'm just going to cut to the need surgery Ms.Brian." Moe just nodded knowing immediately after she had gotten taken down in the tackle that surgery would have to happen she just felt it as soon as she was laying there and they were examining her knee.

Andressa just held Moe close and kissed her head and so Moe said "I think I want to post about this and also show who my wonderful Brazilian Girlfriend is." Andressa nodded saying "same"

Moe got her phone and took a selfie of her and Andressa, and made a caption

Hey guys,
So as you saw I got hurt against Brazil last night, the Doctor confirmed the worst and I tore my MCL. I will be having surgery but I know I will have the fans, my family, my past and present teammates and my wonderful girlfriend Andressa, by my side. I will come back better and stronger and will lace my cleats up again and be a better soccer player and person.

Thank you,
Morgan Brian
*favorite bible verse*

Moe would have her surgery the next morning.

End of chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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