Strange Feelings

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She smiles on the outside. She's trying to hide the pain. Look into her eyes and you'll see a world shattered to pieces.

She cries herself to sleep at night when nobody else is listening.

Her dreams haunt her, reminding her of a dark, incriminating past.

She tries to scream, but she can't make a sound.

Nobody can see the pain that she feels. They don't notice her cries for help.

She's slowly wasting away to nothing. She's numb now. She stopped caring about everything.

But, what is this?

What is this, that her stomach, and the shallow remains of her heart seem to be doing?

Are those butterflies? Yes.

She's met someone. A man. This man has seemingly made her feel again.

How can this be? She does not know.

She's scared, but she likes it. It makes her feel good. He makes her feel again.

She's finally smiling with her eyes again. She feels happy. Her world is full of color once again.

No more grey skies. No more tears.

No more nightmares and restless nights.

This man has changed her. This man has made her whole again. This man, is an angel.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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