The vampire that hated vampires

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Name: "crow,"

Age: "I lost track at 17," (looks 17)

Gender: "well, do I look like a girl?" (Male)

Species: he smirks, "come closer and find out~," (vampire)

Sexuality: "well, I'm straight as a rainbow," (bisexual)

Looks: "I'm right here, do I need to stand closer~?" ( he's 5'10 with broad shoulders, eyes are red for the most part, if your lucky you'll catch them a greenish blue color. He has black hair, and usually wears black t-shirt and jeans with a cloak over him to cover himself from the sunlight)

Personally: "hmm, good question" ( pervert at times, sarcastic, kind, loves a good joke)

T-on's: thigh rubbing, teasing, neck bitting(especially on his bite mark)

T-off's: blood, pain

Other: "well, I didn't plan to be a vampire,"

Sencerio 1: your walking down the sidewalk, your coming from the store and it's dark. There's been rumors that there's been a killer on the loose, so your fast walking to your house. You hear a scream off to the left of you and you go to investigate, you come upon a figure that has a victim pinned. The person looks pale, the figures eyes have a light glow to them as they look to you. The figure drops the lifeless body turning to you, "hello there~," he purred which sent shivers up your spine. You....

Sencerio 2: make it up

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