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One day,

I was just eating my lunch in a restaurant

Near the Tokyo Area Center

When a Rinjin suddenly appeared.

I activated my Chikara Card and

Picked the Quantum Gun

From my Schrödinger's Box.

That was my favourite weapon.

I closed my eyes,

Imagined the three bullets to be

In places I want them to be,

Then pulled the trigger three times.

When I opened my eyes,

The three bullets were now flying

Towards the Nachbar's head, center body and rear part.

Then, "Bang! Bang! Bang!," they went.

That's how my Uranium Quantum Gun works.

The power from Schrödinger's cat thought experiment:

"The cat inside the box is BOTH alive and dead.

It only collapses to being either alive or dead

When you open the box to see."

That's the power of Quantum Superposition.

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