Positivity Tag

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^^^ That's me in the top picture, just btw. Being a dork like usual. 😂

So I was tagged in this one by jaebums_kitten.

I think this is such a beautiful idea. And I would absolutely love it if any/all of you would like to leave me lots of lovely comments.

Between possibly being sick yet again with no voice, and all the fighting I've been doing lately with myself and my demons, I would really appreciate lots of lovely words from anyone who is willing to give them.💕💕💕

Plus any words of encouragement/motivation as well, since I have a boatload of assignments and projects that I should be working on too. But I only want to sleep and read because I don't feel well. 😢

Tagging: (If you've already been tagged, you don't have to repeat the tag, but it's still love to see if you want to spread the positivity😁🙌🏻💕)

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Tagging: (If you've already been tagged, you don't have to repeat the tag, but it's still love to see if you want to spread the positivity😁🙌🏻💕)

fluffymark (I hope you feel better soon!!!💕)
jaebums_kitten (lol I know you tagged me, but I'm tagging for the comment 😁💕)

ALSO!! If you were not tagged, but would still like to say something nice, I would very much appreciate that as well!!💕💕💕💕

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