Chapter 16

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Amber's POV

The rain finally stopped.

I thought it would last forever.

I wonder if Clay is home.

Maybe I'll just go over.

He won't care.

"Hey I'm going to Clay's house. Want to come?" I asked Gabby.

"No, I don't want to ruin anything special from happening." She said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Fuck yourself." I said and walked out the door.

I got to Clay's house and noticed no cars in the driveway. I guess he's home alone.

I walked in and it was silent.

Too silent, like dead silent.

Maybe he isn't home.

I decided to look around first.

I saw shattered glass in the living room, from picture frames and vases. What the hell?

I slowly started walking towards the kitchen.

Right at the corner I saw some dark red stuff spilt all over the floor.

In my opinion it looked like blood.

I kept walking until I saw limp body in a of blood.

Not just anyone.


I screamed and ran over to him.

The first thing I notice is something that looks like a stab wound.

I start crying. This can't be happening!

I grab my phone and call an ambulance and they were on their way.

I held Clay not even caring about all the blood that's getting on my clothes.

I checked to see if he's still breathing. I barely notice the light, short, quick breathes, but they are there.

Relief washes over my body knowing he is still alive, but how long.

He lost a lot of blood.

Some of it is absorbed by my clothes. I looked at the deep and nasty stab wound on his back.

Who would do this? I asked myself over and over again.

My tears drop down from my face rapidly like the rain.

Still the wound was bleeding and I tried my best to stop it.

Finally, the ambulance came when I was about to go insane.

The put him on the stretcher and carried him to the hospital.

I watched as all the neighbors came running out to see what happened.

Gabby was one if them.

"Holy shit! Amber what happened?" Gabby said running over to me.

"I-I-I don't k-know I went over and saw him laying there in blood. There's a stab wound in his back." I barely choked out.

I went home to get cleaned up. I had my mom call Clay's mom. I just couldn't do it.

I got in the shower. I watched as the blood mixed with water ran down my arms and into the drain.

Who would do this to him?

Who ever did this I'm going to hurt him in ways that would be considered a new type of torture.

I'm more pissed off than sad. Clay didn't deserve this.

I got out of the shower and slipped on comfy clothes.

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling even though it's still early in the afternoon.

I'm not leaving until they find out who did this or when I get to see Clay.


I know this isn't the best chapter but I wanted to fill you in on what's happening!

Kik me: @amber.the.hoe

Instagram: @ambre.lynn

Snapchat: @Jelly_Bellie

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~Love y'all, Amber Lynn

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