
242 17 13

Hi guys...
This is Anah....
Hwr u all....
This is the last part of this ff...
Let's start...,
Taj Hotel...,
Om is very concern....
Ishana group convey their massage via Bluetooth....
Om comes to ishana...
Om:ishana u want something...?
Ish:yes plz...i need water...
Om goes...,
Ish:hello rv sunna.!!
Ish:all r correct position na...
She active conference call...
Sa:hey bol...
Ish:let's execute our plan....don't worry about om...i here to take care of him...
Abhi:yeah we know....
He laugh...
Ish:stupid concentrate our plan...
All:ok done
Om:ishana water..
Ish:thnk u om..
Other hand....,
Rajeev to Kia....
Ra:i had doubt on om..
Kia:what rubbish..he is very sincere officer....
Raj:i don't think so....
Exhibition starts.....
All diamond dealers comes....,
Sana started singing.....,
And ishana give her fireful welcome performance on the stage....
Abhi starts his hacking work....
Rajveer eyed on everyone carefully..
And he stood near that precious 💎 side....
Diamond exhibition going smoothly..
Abhi:rv my work done.. Its time to urs
Rv take drink's tray and goes near om and suddenly he act like he gonna slip... Om hold him and unfortunately drinks fall on om shirts....
Rv:oops!!! I am really very sorry...
Om:its OK...
Raj:om go and change.... I will handle here...
Om leaves....,
Ishana smirks....,
Sana goes one room and burn window screen....
And leaves....,
One Waiter cross that room and saw the fire and on the fire alarm.....
All r started running blindly....
Rajveer can't handle the situation...
Saba and Abhi try to help Rajveer...
All three try to calm people....
Rv help Kia..
Other side....,
Prinku enters.....
She saw people rushes out and got panic.....
Rajveer saw ishana leaving....
So he started following her...
Ishana sees him and run.....
Rajveer threaten her....
Raj: hey u stop. Though I will shoot u...
He aim ishana...
Someone hit him accidently... So he unwantedly press the fire the bullet...
It about to hit Prinku but om comes between...
Om got shot on his arm..
Ishana group smartly escaped....
Kia take om to hospital Prinku went with her.....
Suddenly Rajveer runs toward diamond area ...but diamond already stole by someone....
Raj:shit....shit... Shit!!!!!!
In hospital ,
Prinku crying....kia try to console her...
Higher officer:i didn't expect this from u Rajveer....u r use ur gun on crowd people and shoot one officer...
Raj:no sir I just try to catch that girl
Ho:by shoot her????
Ho:i don't want any explanation...
Dr comes....
Dr:we operate and remove the bullet he is fine now... But he need rest...
Higher officer enter ICU....
Om:is everything OK...no one stole the diamond na...
Ho:no diamond miss... But it's not ur fault.... And u need rest take medical leave ...its granted.
Om:i want transfer.
Ho:which place..
Ho:ok after leave u can directly join.
Om:thnqq sir....
Isolated place...
Ishana with their friends...
Ish:y they didn't come yet..
Rv:and don't know the steel or not....
Abhi:no they didn't spoil our plan...
Sana:ok guys keep patients na...
Rv:ok let's discuss our next...
Ish:which place..
One man enters with girl...
Man:kolkatta.....just pack ur luggage guys.
Ishana goes and hug him.....
Ish:om Hw u get shot....
Om:nothing serious yaar so chill...
Sana:where is diamond.who stole...
Prinku:aur kon... It's me only..
The big con..
She blink her eyes......
Abhi:lets move for the next target..

Kindly ignore grammatical mistakes.
I hope u enjoyed it.... Do vote and drop ur views blow the comment box..
Take care.
Be happy.....
Bye bye

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