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Chapter 10

Sneha's POV

I actually thought she was only joking but here we are at Mc Donalds waiting for our order.Me and Sam tagged along to watch on Rahul.We thought it would be fun to watch his reactions while we spend some time with Shreya.Nikhil told me she was always acting high and mighty but now after meeting her and speaking i felt she was not that bad.Infact if i did not hear anything about her i might even like her.She was the silent type(a lot like my brother) but she talked freely with us.I could tell it was the first time for Sam also,speaking to her.But leaving that,How can she be that beautiful.Even i am a bit jealous of her and it was not difficult to see why my stupid brother wanted to talk to her in the beginning.He has been sitting like a rock the entire time sipping his coke(Our order came just a few seconds ago) while we girls were talking.Now time for some fun.

"So Shreya when did you start going out with my brother?" i asked her with a slight innocent smile.Rahul nearly choked on his coke.He started turning red.Awww it was cute watching him in that state.He is always serious and uptight.

"We are not going out,we are just working on a project together",he yelled before Shreya could say anything.

"Oh,is that so.Sorry my bad,i thought you were dating since she came to the house to see you",i teased him.I knew that they were partners.Sam told me on the day they were appointed.We both spent a whole night laughing about how the outcome about that particular match would be.I looked over to Shreya to see her reactions.She looked flustered and was looking down at her feet.Guess she must be embarrassed.Or maybe i hit a switch.Maybe she liked my brother.Aghh who knows she was sooo like my brother who was difficult to read(not in this case,when it came to matters of the heart you could read him like a book but other things,he is always secretive).

"So Shreya,do you have any boyfriends.Surely a girl as pretty as you must have boys flocking you?"'I ask her.With that question my brother's interest suddenly shot up.Wow he is so desperate."No i never had a boyfriend till now but boys always ask me out and i reject them.Must be because none of them are good guys.If only there was someone good....",she said taking a slight glance at Rahul.Yes,i finally caught her.She must be attracted to him.I don't know why but whoever meets my brother they are always attracted to him,even the small kids and babies.Even at house my mother always scolds me to be more like my brother.I just hate it sometimes.How does he manage to stay like that all the time.But i don't want to interfere in my brother's love life.Better to let him take things at his own pace.I glanced at my brother to see his reaction.There was a slight smile now on his face.He must have been happy that she had no boyfriend.

After that me and Sam started speaking with Shreya about some random things and it became more and more clear to me that she was a nice girl with no ego problems.That stupid Nikhil and Rohit made it seem that see was such a horrible girl with a biggg ego.We were still talking when somebody called out my brother's name.And it was a girl.What is the world coming to.Another girl calling for my brother in the same day was unbelievable.He rarely talked to girls.My friends were home all the time when he was in the 12th grade but he never spoke with them.The bastard even knew that many of my friends had crushes on him,still he ignored them.But now here was another girl walking upto our table calling for my brother and damn she too was pretty.Wow Rahul is on a roll,Talking to 2 beautiful girls in his college.She was as pretty as Shreya and she looked very active and bubbly.I wonder how Rahul knows her.I was trying to see what Rahul would do when i saw Shreya looking suddenly a bit angry.She must not like this girl very much.Wonder what happened between them."Hey PREETHI,what a surprise to see you here!"',Rahul greeted her.I then understood everything.'Rahul' happened between them!!!

Rahul's POV

My face must have lit up when i heard someone call my name since i knew who that voice belonged to.What was she doing here.

""Hey PREETHI,what a surprise to see you here!"',I greeted her.

"I was shopping in a mall nearby when my little brother dragged me here.He loves this place.",she said.A small boy probably about 10 was hiding behind her.He must have been shy.

"Hey little guy,what's your name?"', I asked him.

"Aman"'he said in a barely audible voice."Are you my sister's boyfriend?",he asked suddenly.What is with everyone,if i knew a girl they think that we are a couple!!!.Ok i would be happy if anyone was my girlfriend but these things make the situations very very awkward.I must have lost my voice.I tried speaking something but nothing came out.

"Errr no aman,we are just friends.",Preethi told her brother."Don't ask people such things"'she further told him.I replied with a small ok.

"Hey Sam,Shreya too,and i don't know who you are but guessing you must be Rahul's sister",she said with a smile on her pretty face.

"Come on join us", i told her.She and her brother took the seats beside my sister.Again the usual thing happened.The girls started talking again between themselves leaving me alone.I felt like an outcast sitting by myself.I looked at them sometimes and noticed Shreya looking a bit moody.Wonder what happened because just seconds ago she was laughing with Sam and Sneha.Over the next few minutes my mind wandered off thinking about some stupid things like how My sister's,Sam's and Shreya's name began with a 'S' and such other silly things.What else could i do,i was left out.If only there were the boys.Atleast they would have some interseting things to talk about.

After what seemed like an eternity Preethi got up saying she had to go home as it was getting late.I looked outside and saw it was pitch black outside.Whoa how did it become night?We all said our goodbyes.Soon after Preethi left we all finished our snacks and got up.

"Okay Sneha and Sam go home while I go and drop Shreya at her house",I said standing up.My sister gave me a wink when i said that.Hope Shreya did not see that.She always acts like a kid.Sometimes i get the feeling she was born to punish me.If you have a sister you would understand.

Soon i was on my bike waiting eagerly(you know it was the first time Shreya was getting on my bike).When i proposed that idea first,I thought she would harshly reject it,but to my surprise she agreed.You could say i was floating in air by her response.When she climbed my bike,I felt chills down my back.It was every bit the reaction i expected,if not more.When the chills slowly subsided I started the bike and soon raised the accelerator,a bit more than required.I don't normally do that but must be due to the fact that a beautiful girl was on the back of my bike.I then realized my crush on her was growing.I decided it would be better to get a hold on myself than feel sorry for later if i get rejected again."So Rahul stop thinking about her.You have many other things to worry about."

"Why did your sister wink at you when we were leaving?",Shreya asked me out of the blue.Terrified,I started thinking about excuses to tell her.It was not like i could her my sister was expecting something to happen between us."Oh that,it was just a inner joke we have sometimes.It's quite embarassing to talk about,so forget about it.",I told her.

"Ok,we are finally here.Thanks for today I had a very good time.So let's meet again tomorrow at your house at the same time."'She said at soon as we arrived near her house.She got off my bike and was soon making her way to her door.I was watching her the entire time.God,she looked amazing even while walking.If only she was my girlfriend,I would have kissed her then and there.Whoa cool down dude,the bike ride with her must have made my mind crazy.Just as she reached her door(Like i was hoping she would do as in the movies),She turned back and gave me one of her dazzling smiles before she went inside.

Wow this must be one of the best rides in my life!!!!!!

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