how adorable

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so there's this video that i saw on twitter where basically mitch and scott are like at this club thing but they're being interviewed by someone i dunno who and it's not professionally or anything and the video is only like five seconds long but it's adorable

basically scott has the microphone and he starts out by saying "hi i'm scott" and then he like holds the microphone out to mitch and mitch says in this really quiet voice "i'm mitch" and this person from the audience or maybe the interviewer i dunno goes "and you're shy" and mitch bites his lip and nods and ahh it was sO cUtE

i feel like scott really helps him feel safe and stuff because after he said that he like kinda shifted towards him a little and maybe i'm just making things up because i ship them but it was really adorable

i also have more evidence to add to this theory

i might have mentioned this before but when mitch and scott went to the power rangers premiere in the pictures you can see scott has his arm around mitch's waist but it's really just there and i saw that this was because mitch gets really anxious on red carpets and scott calms him down and stuff and i just

they're so cute and they love each other so much even if it is just platonically

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