Chapter 3

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A/N- Hey guys its bre um just wanted to say I'm happy some ppl are reading my fanfic and that I hpoe you've liked it so far. Bye lovelys-Bre


Chapter 3

Cara's p.o.v.

As I wake up I have a horrible headache and all I could think about was what in the hell happened last night?..... When I finally woke up alittle more and my eye sight adjusted I relized I wasn't in in my room I don't know were I am at all. Once I look over I notice Austin freaking Mahone was beside me.... ummmmmmm........

"Omg omg what the hell did we do last night Austin?!?!"

"Cara chill nothing happened , after we were done making out you passed out on me so I made everyone leave and layed you done on my bed."

"Ummm.....ok I gotta go bye!!"

"Aww come on stay awhile" He said winking.

"Um ew no the only reason we kissed was because I.WAS.DRUNK."I screamed walking out the door.

Once I made it out of his house I relized I had my car here so I hopped in my car and drove home. Once I got home I found my mom still wasn't home. How suprising. Hints the sarcasm. I sat on the couch and turned on the t.v. teen mom 2 was on yay I love this show. While I was on the couch my phone went of. When I looked it said Austin, since when did I have his number?

To Cara From Austin: Hey shawty you busy today? Cause i'm bored ;D

To Austin From Cara: Umm yeah I would rather kill myself then hang out with you -_-

To Cara From Austin: Whatever if you get lonely which you will call me bye shawty  ¡D

To Austin From Cara: Ugh bye Austin

After about five minutes of watching teen mom I heard a knock on the door. Thinking nothing of it I got up to open the door. When I finally opened the door all I could think about was HOW IN THE HELL DID HE GET MY ADDRESS?!?!


A/N- So guys this was kina just a filler because I havnt updated in a while so read, vote, and comment. Bye lovelys - Bre

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