The Dragon's Punishment

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A blinding light flashed through the cave as the girl turned into her full goddess form. She wore a long flowing dress made of blue and green silk, a gold bracelet snaked up both her arms and a matching necklace. Her black hair flowed behind her, shimmering like water. She stepped slowly towards the Dragon her bare feet levitating one inch off the ground.
"I see your heart, there is nothing pure. Your lust for gold has consumed you whole," she boomed, coming to a halt in front of the now cowering Dragon. She pointed her finger at the Dragon and her eyes glowed.
"By the power of the gods I hereby punish you for your actions!" she bellowed and the Dragon was lifted into the air, writhing and squirming. The first thing that disappeared was the Dragon's fire. It coughed and sputtered up smoke as the goddess sucked its power away. Next was the Dragon's beautiful and giant wings. The wings folded in, shrinking and melting into its back as the Dragon let out an agonized roar. The last thing was the Dragon's size. The goddess considered for a moment, pondering whether or not to shrink it or to make it a bunch of smaller creatures. She waved her hand and Poof! the Dragon separated into millions of smaller creatures identical to the beast they had come from.

I have already said this, but to the people you really do read this story, thank you so much! I really don't think any of you know how much this means to me. I know I don't update very much, I'm not a SUPER active user, and I'm not a very popular user either, but I really really really do try to make my stories entertaining and fun for you guys to read. So if you read this, thank you thank you thank you thank you!

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