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Time. You never have enough if it, do you? You have moments in time that mean more to you than anything. You don't want to let them go, those moments... They're your everything. The reason you've kept going, and you are losing them slowly. They are slowly fading away into the dark abyss that you call your brain. This disease, it's been eating away at those memories and you realize... I can never get those memories back... Ever.

It took you what seems like an eternity to save up those memories, but it's only taken a week to lose it all. Lose it? You say it and it sounds crazy. Could you ever actually lose it? I mean really lose it? It seems like a crazy stereotype; that once you lose it, that you are crazy and awkward. People start to stare at you, but they don't know the whole story. They don't care. They're just using you as a laugh, they think making fun of you is a good time.

Your just sitting there thinking... "I have the problem? Your making fun of me?" You turn and start to say something but the people are gone. It turns out they were just a pigment of your imagination. You start to yell at the top of your lungs and decide there's nothing left.

The next morning, a man comes and takes you to a nursing home. Now a days, you spend your time just sitting in a chair. People have to feed you, bathe you, people do everything for you.

You thought you could beat this disease, but the disease... it has broken you.

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