Chapter 4

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Kate could finally open her eyes she felt her face to be wet with cold sweat and her lips were dry and sore. She looked up to see a roof but not just her hallway ceiling. She could almost make out a symbol through her blurred vision and she finally did, it was an ambulance, this suddenly started to alarm her as she didn't remember what had happened to her. She tried to turn her head but she couldn't it was too painful. The paramedic saw she was awake and explained to her that she fell down the stairs. It was after this that she remembered what had happened. Kate could now hear the sirens and felt a huge shot of pain up her body every time the ambulance turned or stopped. The ambulance then stopped and she heard a noise then she saw a block of light. Kate's mind clicked right there, she had arrived at the hospital.

Girl with a struggle: Anxiety Where stories live. Discover now