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Sooo, I got tagged. If I have any other taggs(most likely not) I'll probably put them here too. Tag me if/when you write yours. Btw I was tagged by myaestheticisphan Let's get started!

1) Do you like someone?
No, not really. Assuming that famous people who are unaware of my existence don't count xD

2) Do they like you back?
OF COURSE!....(not)

3) Middle name?
-_- Isis. It's a great name but immature people think of something else. (Btw if you thought it you're immature)

4) Single or taken?
Single as a pringle and ready to mingle!

5) Last person you texted?
A human named Gracie. Which was a week ago. Lmao

6) Last song you listened to?
Lonely Girl by Tonight Alive❤

7) Battery percentage?

8) Best girl friend?
Hmm idk I'm not really close to people or friends especially girls

9) Best guy friend?
Mah fren Abraham :D

10) Favorite otp?
Probably Kellic or Phan

11) Why'd you make your account?
I'm pretty sure I came accross The Deal and decided to make an account. I had also heard some people on the internet mention it

12) Current lockscreen?

12) Current lockscreen?

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

13) Birthday?
April 11. The day before Beebo's because my mom couldn't keep me in another day -_-

I tag:

If you weren't tagged (but you would've liked to be) comment here.
Sorry if we know each other and I forgot to tag you btw.

Holly Molly! That's lot a tags said in a sentence. (Yes, I meant "holly molly" that's not a typo)

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