Chapter 3- The Teachers are Weird

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"Hello," he greeted calmly into the microphone, "welcome to Kunugigaoka Academy, I congratulate you for making it into our highly prestigious school."

I couldn't really see him that well, but it seemed as if he was smiling around at everyone warmly. "Here at Kunugigaoka, we expect great things from you, and we certainly hope you meet those expectations."

This is going to be a pain to sit through... I groaned internally, looking around for some form of amusement, which, sadly, I did not find. With a defeated sigh, I sank back into the surprisingly comfortable seats the auditorium held, staring glumly at the speaker.

"There are a variety of courses here at Kunugigaoka, and we hope to accommodate every single one of you, no matter what race you may be." He let out a chuckle. "Of course, you first-years don't get to choose your courses until one year from now, but nonetheless, your courses should be fun either way." Murmurs of excitement spread through the room as students discussed what courses they would take next year.

The man cleared his throat, and the buzz died down. "Now, now, don't be too hasty, you can't decide your courses if you haven't taken them yet, now can you?"

"Here at Kunugigaoka, we utilize the newest technology to make sure you are all accommodated, like right now, for example."

All of a sudden, metal clamps held us down to our seats. Shouts of panic and confusion spread throughout the room. "W-what's going on?" I squeaked as the chair extended vertically, leaving me almost standing up.

"Initiating scan..." a robotic voice sounded from below our seats, and a strange blue light encased us all. "Scan complete, resetting procedure in 3... 2... 1..." The seats returned to normal, and we were seated properly now.

"Do not panic, that was simply a machine designed to measure your body proportions much more accurately than a person, demon, or angel can," he paused for a moment, allowing us to digest the information before he continued, "The information it has gathered will be sent to a factory, where they will make the perfect uniform for you. We will then send the uniforms to you, they should be ready by tomorrow."

How would it know our names and rooms? I wondered, furrowing my eyes brows in confusion.

"If you're wondering how we know you're rooms and names, the answer lies in the student number on your back, which you received upon entering the portal, you cannot wash it off, it is permanent until you graduate."

"What if we don't graduate?" A nearby voice questioned, and I turned to see that it was Karma who had asked.

"Then you will have it forever, as proof of your failure in school." He gave us all a sickening grin. "Now, sit, Prince Karma."

Karma sat down without complaint, and the man continued on with his speech before he stopped in the middle of a sentence. "I haven't introduced myself, have I?" He chuckled, and a few students joined in, albeit nervously. "I am Asano Gakuho, your principle. Now, as I was saying-" I tuned him out for the rest of the hour, sitting, almost drowning in my own thoughts, which, unsurprisingly, I had a lot of.

Thoughts of the incident kept flashing through my mind, and with nothing of importance to do, I allowed myself to be taken over by the pain of the tentacles. I wanted to cry, clutch onto something, even though the pain from Okuda's healing magic had long worn off, that didn't mean the pain had gone away.

KILL! I shot up to attention as the command of my tentacles rang painfully through my mind, and in an instant, I knew why.

There- right on the stage, stood the murderer of my sister. I kept my breathing under control, trying not to let the rage overtake me as my tentacles violently begged to be released. I had never seen him clearly, but I had seen his silhouette and I could never forget the exact way his tentacles looked. They thrashed abut him now, yellow like the sun, small, beady eyes set into a large, round, yellow face as a giant grin set permanently on his face mocked me with its smile.

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