Chapter 1

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Jennas P.O.V.

I walk into the place I hate most- high school. I walk towards my locker to get my biology book. The bell rings and I slam my locker and head towards class, but I feel someone staring at me. I look around but stop as I see him with his eyes fixed on me. I ignore his stare and run to class.

As I walk towards the back corner of the large classroom, i hear a sigh behind me.
'Shit' I think. It was him, the person that made most if my high school career a living hell. I sit down and he sits next to me. I pull down my sweater sleeves hiding my scars before he notices.

'Why are you wearing a sweater in April?' He asks.
'I'm cold' I reply.

Ms. Johnson turns around.

'Tyler Joseph, no hats in class. Take it off' he sighs and throws his hat in his backpack. I snicker- bad mistake.

He takes my phone and throws it on the ground, shattering the screen.

'What the hell?' I say a little to loud. Ms Johnson turns around again.

'Tyler, Jenna, detention after school until 6. Dont be late'

I look at him and glare. He returns with a smirk.

The bell rings and I'm the first one out the door. Im halfway to my locker when Tyler yells my name

'Jenna wait!' He says running towards me. I freeze as he grabs my wrist.

'Look I'm sorry I broke your phone. We can skip detention and I'll take us to get it fixed. I'll pay for it too.'

'And what's the catch?'

'Nothing. We can get Taco Bell after if you want.'

I thought about it and shook my head. I'd rather have a fixed phone and free food than detention for 3 hours.

School goes by faster than I thought, and next thing I know, I'm in the car with Tyler.

'So why are you wearing a sweater in April? I know your not really cold, its 80° outside.' He asks.

'I don't wanna talk about it' I reply hiding the emotion in my voice.

We pull into the parking lot and Tyler curses under his breath. I look up to see the closed sign in the window.

'I'm sorry' he says. I dont know why, but I'm crying and I can't stop what I'm saying.

'Sorry for what? You've made my life a living hell since 8th grade. You laughed when you found out my parents got divorced and mom left me with my abusive dad. You've made me feel like shit for so long,and now you apologize a month before graduation? Look if you really wanna know why I wear sweaters all the time, this is why.' I pull my sleeve up revealing my cuts and scars. Some new, some old. Some faded, some scabbed. Some deep, and some shallow. Tears stream down my face look up at him and he's staring at my wrists, tears filling his eyes.

'Why are you crying, you don't even care about me.' I say. I look up to see him staring back at me. I avoid his eyes. I regret this. I shouldn't have done this. I should just leave and forget about it and hope he does the same

But what he does next shocks me.

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